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  1. #21
    Rank: Rookie
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    Cool Apply for a moderator

    Hi there..
    I'm playing dota for quite some time now and I'm playing in rgc for a year maybe a bit more, I would like to become a moderator.
    I don't have any ban history and I have awesome English :')
    The only thing ( if chosen ) I want to know the moderator comands, but I guess you will send / teach me that when I'm appointed.
    I'm well mannered and I'm playing mostly at night :P
    Red_Bull_Votka is my rgc name
    Last edited by tonigm; 12-08-2011 at 02:10 AM.

  2. #22
    Rank: Devotee
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    mfw as moderator.
    Hi my friends.

  3. #23
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default hi i o best most service ever n maximum power pls

    hi here's what i offer

    -timeban any good player who outplays me
    -timeban any funny players who bring entertainment to games
    -if both funny && good person is spotted, permaban
    -play like shit in games ofc (i'm a mediator, not a player!)
    -find people i do not like because they are both funny, skilled, and creative. then stalk all their public games looking for any reason to ban them
    -timeban anyone who breaks any rule for obscene amounts of time, since in real life nobody listens or cares about what i say, so i need to show off my power online
    -act like a self-righteous prick 100% of the time since i will let all the e-power i get go to my head

    if you use my services, i can guarantee:

    -a channel with no good players since they all left( probably banned them or they just got tired of the league being "corrupt" and lowskilled - who would have thought?!)
    -a channel where every game somebody drops / lags / crYs
    -gaming environment where nobody communicates and goes 100% emo when they are losing
    - channel where people try to abuse points system as much as possible, never joining games which they do not think are 100% wins
    - playerbase who will pull plug when they do not like how a game is going

    of course, i will not punish the players listed in points 2-5 above, since they are just like me really (except maybe a few of them have kissed a girl before, can't be sure).


  4. #24
    Rank: Squire
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    Quote Originally Posted by stronK View Post
    hi here's what i offer

    -timeban any good player who outplays me
    -timeban any funny players who bring entertainment to games
    -if both funny && good person is spotted, permaban
    -play like shit in games ofc (i'm a mediator, not a player!)
    -find people i do not like because they are both funny, skilled, and creative. then stalk all their public games looking for any reason to ban them
    -timeban anyone who breaks any rule for obscene amounts of time, since in real life nobody listens or cares about what i say, so i need to show off my power online
    -act like a self-righteous prick 100% of the time since i will let all the e-power i get go to my head

    if you use my services, i can guarantee:

    -a channel with no good players since they all left( probably banned them or they just got tired of the league being "corrupt" and lowskilled - who would have thought?!)
    -a channel where every game somebody drops / lags / crYs
    -gaming environment where nobody communicates and goes 100% emo when they are losing
    - channel where people try to abuse points system as much as possible, never joining games which they do not think are 100% wins
    - playerbase who will pull plug when they do not like how a game is going

    of course, i will not punish the players listed in points 2-5 above, since they are just like me really (except maybe a few of them have kissed a girl before, can't be sure).

    One of the biggest mistakes you'll ever make is not to hire this guy.
    Banned lolz.

  5. #25
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dako View Post
    One of the biggest mistakes you'll ever make is not to hire this guy.
    ty vouch

  6. #26
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Default Apply for moderator

    I am applying for a moderator since i am going to be playing more on community from now on.

    -I have been for quite some time in dota rank and been active a lot during that time.
    -Comfortable with English.
    -I enjoy most of the games in dota rank.
    -DR.Comm and DR.Ih are basically the only places where i spend my dota time.
    -I believe i have proved my self as a mannered and polite player.
    -Clean banhistory concerning flaming,game ruining etc.

    Hope i can make it and thank you in advance!
    I lol'ed in the face of danger

  7. #27
    Rank: Elite Poster
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    Just a reminder to people who have applied. We ARE still looking for moderators, so your applications are not in vain. (except for yours stronk.)

    We'd also appreciate it if you didn't troll this thread. Zis is seriuz biznss.

    Last edited by nF.Hellspawn; 20-08-2011 at 04:43 AM.

  8. #28
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Quote Originally Posted by nF.Hellspawn View Post
    Just a reminder to people who have applied. We ARE still looking for moderators, so your applications are not in vain. (except for yours stronk.)

    We'd also appreciate it if you didn't troll this thread. Zis is seriuz biznss.


    i was just basing my application on the current mediators.

    change is bad

  9. #29
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Totally awesome application

    I don't often apply to be a moderator, since I don't feel I meet the necessary qualifications (�beractive, megapr0 e.t.c.). However, in this case I do.

    At the moment I've got a fair bit of free time, which usually results in a few DotA games per day. As I also spend much of my other time on the computer, I'll be able to keep an eye on the chat from time to time. I consider myself mannered, and when getting caught in an argument I keep it at an objective and mature level. I do not leave and I do not flame unless being flamed upon.

    The main reason I want to be a moderator is that nothing annoys me more than games being ruined by leaving, spamming, flaming and such. Also, I consider my Engrish decent.

  10. #30
    Rank: Elite Poster
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    I guess we forgot to update this thread. bounty2 was picked for a moderator ( post #5 ). We're most probably looking for one more for the time being ( to replace ihkke ).


  11. #31
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Hello, u can count on me if u need one more moderator, pm me or find me on client

    kind regards


  12. #32
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Pick me, pick me!
    -I've been around dr for quite some time, i know the players there, I can be patient with them, (as a powerguy, more then usual). and ih are the places where i spend my time playing dota, while not having cws. And I will be glad to help them out in some way.
    -Not scared of banning people, moderating games, speaking with rude boys and all the stuff moderators do.

    Basically thats all for now, if u need sth else, wisper me on rgc.

  13. #33


    well i donno why u should choose me to be a mod here but im rly active and i know the rules so its ur choice love u Dr's XD

  14. #34
    Rank: Forum Addict
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    Hey Frozen_Fire93, it would extremely help us if you gave us your rgc nickname, we have no clue who you are
    Under Construction

  15. #35
    Rank: Rookie
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    Hi guys, New_Guy here,

    Probably most of DR.Com players don't know me or just don't know of me, because I've been here for only like a week so I already know that my chances are low or even not existent, but I'm willing to give it a try, so here I go.

    What made me try applying for moderator is the fact that I'm not quite sure what DotA community I want to focus myself. If I get lucky and get selected to be moderator, ofcourse it will make my decision to an obvious one - focus DotA Rank!

    I heavily dislike bad manners and the fact that I have to sometimes contact an moderator to solve those issues and punish people who misbehave. So what I'm basically saying is that I'm offering my services to make the in-game atmosphere more relaxing. I must say that I sometimes get frustrated when I have to deal with really bad play in my team, and I can get annoying myself. It used to be ALLCAP rage, but now it's been reduced to lecturing mode which can get really annoying. I'm trying to keep it all inside be, but sometimes I feel like I need to tell the guy that he is playing it wrong and what he should actually do next time.

    Also having a lot of free time, even if it's my last year in school, I mainly sit at home doing nothing but DotA. So I thought to myself, why not try using it for the greater good and moderate games in a community that I actually am liking so far.

    I also want to learn to handle some responsibilities as I've been a lazy noob doing nothing but carelessly playing DotA and not even do my homework, ye!

    So that's all I have to say to You for now, hoping for the best.

    c_U, New_Guy.

  16. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by havo View Post
    Hey Frozen_Fire93, it would extremely help us if you gave us your rgc nickname, we have no clue who you are
    ohhhh im rly sry my rgc nickname is Frozen_Fire ^.^

  17. #37
    Rank: eFF Admin
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    Well I guess I have no chance since I have tough banhistory ... you can check it and tell me if I have any chance. I think that I can help alot with all my previously experiance , I have been trying many times to build decent community without players who screaming in game after first death or who flame whole team becouse of his own fault , but it always failed becouse I couldn't find quality crew ... however if I have any chance I will try to present myself in next post as better as possible.
    The elder god

  18. #38
    Rank: Rookie
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    Hi. I'm John Custodio.. I'm 20 years old. I live in El sobrante California. I would like to apply as a moderator to hmm Why do you think you should pick me to this staff position? well 1st, i speak and understand english well (spelling too ). 2nd, I'de seen so many staff who abuses their authority, and i dont like that. 3rd, i'm willing to be active on this community as well play games and 4th, i'm a good looking guy. lol hahaha..
    Anyway, thanks and hope i get the staff.

  19. #39
    Rank: Forum Emperor
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    Default Applying For Mod In Dr.Com

    All of the Requirements fit for me ,
    I can be active in the channel whenever u need me,
    My English is Good enough to be able to communicate
    My banhistory ain't screwed-up.

    I like this channel , cuz of its own mannered People in it, Tbh I myself mannered 2
    So I can try to be a Moderator in Dr.Community.
    And for the games that I'm in, I can surely moderate it easily.
    Although I like those rules in , u can barely find unmannered Ppl or flamers etc..

    Looking Fwd for an answer about my Thread.


  20. #40
    Rank: Rookie
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    im very good, i play many games, i know rules and im trusted + your requirements

    do i need something more to become mod?

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