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hi here's what i offer
-timeban any good player who outplays me
-timeban any funny players who bring entertainment to games
-if both funny && good person is spotted, permaban
-play like shit in games ofc (i'm a mediator, not a player!)
-find people i do not like because they are both funny, skilled, and creative. then stalk all their public games looking for any reason to ban them
-timeban anyone who breaks any rule for obscene amounts of time, since in real life nobody listens or cares about what i say, so i need to show off my power online
-act like a self-righteous prick 100% of the time since i will let all the e-power i get go to my head
if you use my services, i can guarantee:
-a channel with no good players since they all left( probably banned them or they just got tired of the league being "corrupt" and lowskilled - who would have thought?!)
-a channel where every game somebody drops / lags / crYs
-gaming environment where nobody communicates and goes 100% emo when they are losing
- channel where people try to abuse points system as much as possible, never joining games which they do not think are 100% wins
- playerbase who will pull plug when they do not like how a game is going
of course, i will not punish the players listed in points 2-5 above, since they are just like me really (except maybe a few of them have kissed a girl before, can't be sure).