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  1. #61
    Rank: Enthusiast
    • Join Date: Jan 2013
    • Posts: 157


    Application Form
    Your RGC Username: spicy`
    What are some of your skills?:report leavers and mhers.
    How can you contribute to the group?: Banning LEAVers,AFKers,GAMERUINers, and also I can detect sharing abuse and mh users,etc...
    Links to any contributions If any:
    Reason why you want to join?: I want to help improve the rgc community.
    Why do you deserve to be Staff?: I am good staff in (EU) RPG rooms.

    Miscellaneous Questions
    Name: Ammar.
    Age: 17.
    Country/State: Jordan.
    In one paragraph, describe your personality: I am friendly and helper .
    Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10: 7 .
    How active are you on the computer?: 7 - 8 Hours.
    Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: No.
    Last edited by warrior-foreve; 03-03-2013 at 03:00 PM.

  2. #62
    Rank: Apprentice
    • Join Date: Feb 2011
    • Posts: 54


    Im awesome YO!

  3. #63
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Aug 2012
    • Posts: 24


    Your RGC Username:_-Mak[a]veli-_
    What are some of your skills?: I've been playing on rgc since two years and i almost know everything about it.
    How can you contribute to the group?: By doing my job , being an active staff , helping others...
    Links to any contributions If any:
    Reason why you want to join?: I'd like to help and improve this client because rgc is now a part of my life.
    Why do you deserve to be Staff?: I just love rgc and i really want to be more than a player and i think i got what it takes to be a staff.

    Miscellaneous Questions:

    Name: Fady
    Age: 18.
    Country/State: Lebanon, Beirut.
    In one paragraph, describe your personality:I am a cool and a funny guy , im very nice to others and i'm a responsible person on the internet and in real life.
    Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10: 8.
    How active are you on the computer?: From 4 to 8 hours or more.
    Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: No.
    Last edited by Mak4veli; 16-02-2013 at 05:45 PM.

  4. #64


    Application Form:

    -Your RGC Username:`Rommel
    -What are some of your skills?: Web designing, forum management and room moderation.
    -How can you contribute to the group?: Banning the violators and answering in any queries.
    -Links to any contributions If any: I was in PH Infinity Im a vouchers and i go to resign in PGC because is channel like a GHOST Channel
    -Reason why you want to join?: I just want to help banishing the leavers in any way I can. Discipline the Players Break the rules
    -Why do you deserve to be Staff?: Because I believe that I am very good doing my job. and i have experience in ph infinity Staff

    Miscellaneous Questions:

    -Name: Rommel
    -Age: 17.
    -Country/State: Philippines
    -In one paragraph, describe your personality:Im handsome and Good person
    -Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10: 9.5
    How active are you on the computer?: Weekdays 5-8 Weekends 6 - 9
    -Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: No.

  5. #65
    Rank: Devotee
    • Join Date: May 2012
    • Posts: 303


    Application Form
    Your RGC Username:Crazy-_-Frog
    What are some of your skills?:Reporting Leavers, Afkers, ruin game
    How can you contribute to the group?:Banning Leavers ruin game , afkers
    Links to any contributions If any:Yes working in room (Jordan) and banning leavers mhers afkers ruin game there.
    Reason why you want to join?: I want to help staff in order to maintain the RGC
    Why do you deserve to be Staff?:I have exactly what I deserve,Helping the other staff to keep up the rgc

    Miscellaneous Questions:
    Name: Mahmoud Hedar
    Age: 17 - 18 years.
    In one paragraph, describe your personality:I am a person like friendship and dating people and hate children of their attributes and their dealings with people
    How active are you on the computer?: 8 _ 9 Hours.
    Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?:No, hate people who do that

  6. #66

    Thumbs up

    Application Form

    • Your RGC Username: ♠N3v3r_M0r3._
    • What are some of your skills?: Detecting MH , Forum management , Graphics works.
    • How can you contribute to the group?:
      1. Helping the channel to get rid of spammers, hackers, leavers & afk'ers.
      2. Obeying the rules.
      3. Helping to create a better environment for all gamers.
      4. Helping to prevent any racism or pornography in the channel.
      5. Responding to the questions asked by players.
      6. Being active on forum and taking care of reports.
      7. Respecting others.
      9. Working as a team with other staffs to make the channel successfull.
      10.Helping to prevent any improper behavior in the channel .

    • Links to any contributions If any:
    • Reason why you want to join?: The amount of leavers/afk'ers/spoilers are getting high now-a-days. I want to help the channel to get rid of them by being active in both channel and forum. I am sure that I can help the existing staff family to make the channel much more better place for gaming and be a proud part of that family.

    • Why do you deserve to be Staff?:I've a lot of experience as a staff. Currently working in , MyanMar(Head Admin) , AGL(Voucher), DCBL(Admin)(DCBL is my country Bangladesh's DotA community) , Asia RPG(Voucher) , Ban Support staff. I have a lot of experience in managing forum also and I know almost every option's purpose in forum. I've been in RGC for about 1.5years. So I know what problems people can face in RGC and also those problem's solutions. I can help those people who faces any kinda problem in the channel. I am very well mannered and calm. I always respect others no matter who are they or where they are from.

    Miscellaneous Questions

    • Name:Fahad Ibrahim.
    • Age: 21
    • Country/State: Bangladesh.
    • In one paragraph, describe your personality: I am very well mannered and always resepecting people. I can stay calm in any situation and therefore take the correct decission by staying calm. I don't break rules and always helping people in their problems. I am very hard working and sincere to my work. I prefer my duties more than playing games.
    • Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10: 9.5
    • How active are you on the computer?: I am a Computer Science student. So basically I stay infront of computer alot. About 8-10 hours per day.
    • Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?:Nope. I don't like to fake myself. Only the people who are not satisfied with what they have try to fake themselves. But I don't like to be fake. I'm always trying to express what I truly am as a person.

    ( Click to show/hide )
    Feel free to whisper me about any problems regarding RGC. I will try to solve if I can. /w 0PARTHIB Hi
    ( Click to show/hide )

  7. #67
    Rank: Devotee
    • Join Date: May 2012
    • Posts: 303


    Good luck Guys

  8. #68
    Rank: Squire
    • Join Date: Feb 2012
    • Posts: 118



    Must be a member of RGC for at least 3 full months.
    yes , I'm in RGC from 5/02/2012
    Must have a low warning level
    I don't have any warning
    No spamming/low quality.
    didn't spam before
    No open/unresolved scam reports.
    You may have negative reputations but they will be reviewed on a case to case basis.

    Application Form

    Your RGC Username:
    What are some of your skills?:
    Detecting MH , reporting a lot on leavers , Afks , game ruin and I know the rules of (EU) Public

    How can you contribute to the group?:
    -Helping the channel to ban all spammers, hackers, leavers and any one who break the rules.
    -Respecting all players in RGC and Staff
    -Creating a better environment for all gamers.
    -Responding to the questions asked by players.
    -Being active on forum and taking care of reports.
    -Working as a team with other staffs to make the channel successfull.

    Links to any contributions If any:
    Reason why you want to join?:
    - Helping RGC Staff in clearing game from bad players that leave or going afk etc
    - There are many players in EU (public) and Staff cant handle them all the time
    - I love RGC Staff and Game ofc , I would love too be in RGC family

    Why do you deserve to be Staff?:
    - Because I believe i can help staff in that big duty nothing more

    Miscellaneous Questions

    Name: Sali
    Country/State: Egypt
    In one paragraph, describe your personality: I cant speak on my self really but my nerves so quite i don't take any judge before i be sure i am right , last one i have pretty face iam sure all will love me :P
    Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10:
    How active are you on the computer?:
    from 5 to 10 Hours each daynot playing ofc but doing my work so i can handle this section for a lot off hours each day
    Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?:
    no they both same coz i dont have two personality

    Last edited by salinari; 17-02-2013 at 08:25 PM.
    I love Map hackers , Take care Map hackers
    If u think u Smart Hack Cant Detect , I Will catch all off you
    COZ I'm The Devil Coming From Hell

  9. #69
    Rank: Elite Poster
    • Join Date: Sep 2012
    • Posts: 766


    Your RGC Username:Pro_GhosT
    What are some of your skills?:Learn everything about ban except leavers/afk/gameruin and i bored of reading cuz i read alot
    How can you contribute to the group?:Helping hard make RGC best place
    Links to any contributions If
    Reason why you want to join?:I wanna ban leavers i hate them hard
    Why do you deserve to be Staff?:Because i work hard for this thing
    Age:14 extremely
    In one paragraph, describe your personality:Helping everyone respect everyone
    Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10:1-8
    How active are you on the computer?:8 hours
    Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?:Ofcourse no
    I hope u guys to give me another chance i read all rules and ty
    I left rgc see you later (~ pro_ghost ~ )

  10. #70
    Rank: Board General
    • Join Date: Mar 2012
    • Posts: 2,207

    Red face Application Form

    Your RGC Username: TheParrot
    What are some of your skills?: Managing, a little of c,c++, and vb,managing website Pic editing... when it comes to dealing with people i am a legend
    How can you contribute to the group?: I am ban support voucher(i was vouched because i am always there for any help users need.) As a non staff, i am always available at support room. most of the times admins are not available and i do help any one who ask for it as i can with my limits .. I won the mh competition in eu .i do everything i can to make rgc better, reporting mh, leavers, gameruiners... and contact admins if sm1 hav any problem, I am good with handling a bunch of people.
    Links to any contributions If any: - i manage this website and helped in its creation. I update and do all necessary changes.
    Reason why you want to join?: I want to be part of RGC. I am online almost allday.. go ofline around 2am to 8 during weekdays and 4am to 8 am during weekends in my country. I love eu pub channel I want to make it the best.
    Why do you deserve to be Staff?: I have gud managerial skil.I know how to find all kind of abuse detection.I am good with replay Manager,replay seeker,dW3gparse .I love rgc. I will make sure all the leavers/gameruiners are banned in real time to make sure eu pub is a leaver/gameruiner free zone.

    I will help any one who needs help for any sorts in RGC.
    I have helped plenty of people in many ways. Even if i am not selected as moderator... I will definitely do my best to help RGC.

    Name: Jerin James
    Age: 25
    Country/State: India/Kerala
    In one paragraph, describe your personality: The term cool was created after me.I handle anything and everything with cool attitude and seriousness of the situation. Looking forward to take MBA after my PG . I help any one who deserves it.I am captain of the state shooting team for the past 3yrs. I conducted gaming competition in my collage. and gave all support for conducting competitions in my frnds collages as well. I am old enough to handle any age people,I have a degree in er. and I am looking for ward to running my own company. My father is a civil er. I manage his office wen hes not around. And i take care of my cousins>.-- around 20+ young monsters.
    Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10: 8.5+ Got IELTS and Tofel. I was looking forward to study abroad then for my shooting carreer I changed my mind
    How active are you on the computer?: I live in it
    Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: I am the same as in internet as in real life. I love shooting. I am a professional rifle shooter. I am in the state team for past 5yrs won more than 8 national medals... Love the gaming life... love manga.. love anime....
    Last edited by rat; 07-04-2013 at 08:47 PM.

  11. #71
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Feb 2013
    • Posts: 1


    Application Form
    Your RGC Username:????.
    What are some of your skills?: solve stick problems.
    How can you contribute to the group?: banning leavers/afk/feeders/map hackers/game runnier/spammer...
    Links to any contributions If any: i am team captain in Europe public.
    Reason why you want to join?: i want to go higher in RGC world, and help to be better place to play.
    Why do you deserve to be Staff?:i dont know i deserve it. but i will help RGC as much as i can

    Miscellaneous Questions
    In one paragraph, describe your personality:funny person, but when the duty call i wont let any disorder or trouble to stop me.
    Rate your grammar, on a scale from 1-10:8 and i have SAT with degree 1356.
    How active are you on the computer?:2-8 hours daily.
    Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?:no

  12. #72


    Does registering it in colour gives u a higher chance of getting selected??

  13. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by itssallabtdota View Post
    Does registering it in colour gives u a higher chance of getting selected??
    Does registering it in colour gives u a headache ?
    Feel free to whisper me about any problems regarding RGC. I will try to solve if I can. /w 0PARTHIB Hi
    ( Click to show/hide )

  14. #74
    Rank: Duke
    • Join Date: Jan 2012
    • Posts: 3,378


    Quote Originally Posted by itssallabtdota View Post
    Does registering it in colour gives u a higher chance of getting selected??
    No mate.

    A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age.
    Robert Frost.

    1o Επικότατο report!
    ( Click to show/hide )
    Quote Originally Posted by mi _sbrwxneis View Post
    Accused Battle.Net account: kouzi
    Your Battle.Net account:mi_sbrwxneis
    Game Name:AR3546
    Offence of Admin:illegal kick ? dn ksr pws na to pw vsk....
    Time of event:evening

    2o Επικότατο report!
    ( Click to show/hide )
    Quote Originally Posted by leledonic View Post
    Accused Battle.Net account:kirchh(off)
    Your Battle.Net account:asdgasgh
    Game Name:de 8imame
    Offence of Admin:maphack kai ban giati ton eipa alvano enw monos tou eipe oti einai apo alvania
    Time of eventeripou 5 to apogema

  15. #75
    Rank: Apprentice
    • Join Date: Feb 2013
    • Posts: 58


    Quote Originally Posted by itssallabtdota View Post
    Does registering it in colour gives u a higher chance of getting selected??
    Its just a presentation :P those who have used and have worked on Forums before do use these Things i.e spoilers , quotes, colors, fonts etc :P

  16. #76
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Oct 2012
    • Posts: 28


    Application Form
    Your RGC Username: >>>>>hook
    What are some of your skills?:banning, reporting, fixing,supporting,alerting,warning
    How can you contribute to the group?: Banning LEAVers,AFKers,GAMERUINers, and also I can detect sharing abuse and mh users,etc...
    Links to any contributions If any: old eal site
    Reason why you want to join?: becose i want to help and work in rgc (public) cz i want to help the others staff
    Why do you deserve to be Staff?: becose i worked in all rooms (asia-sa-eu) rpg room and i worked in middle east and lebanon...

    Miscellaneous Questions
    Name: Antoine
    Country/State: lebanon
    In one paragraph, describe your personality:Sweet, helper, supporter beloved user in RGC
    Rate your grammar
    How active are you on the computer?: 5-6 h but active not afk
    Do you act differently on the internet, than you do in real life?: no

  17. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Oparthib View Post
    Does registering it in colour gives u a headache ?

  18. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by !!!...AKT...!!! View Post
    Its just a presentation :P those who have used and have worked on Forums before do use these Things i.e spoilers , quotes, colors, fonts etc :P

  19. #79
    Rank: Squire
    • Join Date: Mar 2012
    • Posts: 126


    Up with Crazy-_-FroG and felsy_p !
    Two pro players,they do their job on the channels where they have admin , moderator or voucher !
    They really deserve

  20. #80
    Rank: Devotee
    • Join Date: May 2012
    • Posts: 303


    who are you ?

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