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Thread: Welcome

  1. #1

    Default Welcome

    Hi there everybody, I'm here to answer questions about Pendulo Studios and our last game Runaway 2: the Dream of the Turtle. Feel free to ask and I'll try my best.

    Please, as the game has not been released in many countries yet, in case you've already played it and your question involves information about the story of the game, use the word SPOILER in the topic of your question so that future players of the game don't read anything they don't want to. Thank you.

    UPDATE: Because of unexpected problems, I apologize as I'll be able to get online only for the first hour. However, I'll try to respond as many questions as possible and will be available as well on day 4.

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Nov 2006
    • Posts: 1

    Default Re: Welcome


    How long will it take to finish the final part of the story? I�m shocked about this end in Runaway 2... How long do we have to wait until Brian strikes back? And don�t forget the two new girls in the third part. They should play a big part in there.

    Do you know anything about a special edition of Runaway 2?

    Ps. Thanks, for this great game!

  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Nov 2006
    • Posts: 4

    Default Re: Welcome

    Hello! When Runaway 2 will be on sale in Russia ?
    Runaway the best adventure

  4. #4

    Default Re: Welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitriy
    Hello! When Runaway 2 will be on sale in Russia ?
    Runaway the best adventure
    Hello Dimitri. The game is being transalated at the moment but I can't give a date, sorry.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by Saturn

    How long will it take to finish the final part of the story? I�m shocked about this end in Runaway 2... How long do we have to wait until Brian strikes back? And don�t forget the two new girls in the third part. They should play a big part in there.

    Do you know anything about a special edition of Runaway 2?

    Ps. Thanks, for this great game!
    A whole new game can't commi to a date yet, but it'll be defintelly shorter than the one between R1 and R2.
    A special edition will depend on each pubisher, it's up to them.
    Thanks for support.

  6. #6
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Nov 2006
    • Posts: 4

    Default Re: Welcome

    In Runaway 2 us to expect same atmosphere either as in original?
    Excuse me for my bad english

  7. #7

    Default Re: Welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitriy
    In Runaway 2 us to expect same atmosphere either as in original?
    Excuse me for my bad english
    Dmitriy, don't worry about your English. Mine is not perfect either. I think that if you want me to compare Runaway and Runaway 2 I have to say that the main difference is that R2 has much more humor involved.

  8. #8
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Nov 2006
    • Posts: 4

    Default Re: Welcome

    Its very very good! Thank you for Runaway and Runaway 2.
    Express thanks from russian fans Runaway.
    Pendulo Studios 4ever. Show must go on!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Welcome

    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitriy
    Its very very good! Thank you for Runaway and Runaway 2.
    Express thanks from russian fans Runaway.
    Pendulo Studios 4ever. Show must go on!
    Cheers!!! I'll have a vodka

  10. #10
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Dec 2006
    • Posts: 4

    Default Re: Welcome

    Well,let`s start with that i`m a huge fan of runaway 1 and when I got Runaway 2 i was affraid of only one thing and it happened,i`ll explain right away(this my opinion):Chapter1 promising,second tempting,third good,fourth ok(end of that chapter is a crucial point where the biggest mistake is made-that story with aliens isn`t going to work-it sucks and Joshua is very annoying caracther).Why have you made some major conspiracy when there was no need,people liked "little one" with just Gina and Brian in a mess with a Mafia in R1 which was quite realistic and fun.To finish Chapter 5 ok,Chapter 6 terrible(only thing that`s fun is that English accent and nothing more)-what were you thinking-to fill hole in this adventure and you did,that Chapter is total miss.Then pixel hunting come on,you hadn`t to do that especially in last three chapters the puzzels are such nonesense.I must admit that I wouldn`t play this game if it weren`t of the R1.The soul of this game is now lost and you have to retrieve it in R3.For example Joshua`s appearence should be set to minimum.Gina should be more involved...the main thing is you should get back to basics-roots of these game you set in R1.Enough for now.

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