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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Sep 2012
    • Posts: 1

    Post TC request and Clan register

    Clan name: LC - Friend Forever
    Clan tag: Lc.
    Clan members (starting with the captain): Lc.Feyn-| , Lc.xXx , Lc.Extrada , Lc.Ghost , rsm_notme , neoraingerz
    Assumed skill level ( LOW / MID / HIGH ): MID+
    Nationality: Malaysia
    Additional information (optional): We are friendly clan (:
    That's all . Thank You .

  2. #2


    denied as u stated ur from malaysia and eu cw room running on bots same as eu public room so u will lag

    Pride is a personal commitment. It is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity.

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