Kokavelo is now timebanned from this channel until 04:05 on 01/03/2013
( Click to show/hide ) 54:05 <Kokavelo> 0x16: Remove to selection: 0x000102E400005D76
54:05 <Kokavelo> 0x16: Add to selection: 0x0000F0E00000615B
54:05 <Kokavelo> 0x1A: Pre subselection
54:05 <Kokavelo> 0x19: Select subgroup: [Butcher], 0x0000F0E00000615B
54:06 <Kokavelo> 0x12: Target order: smart (X: 6601.84, Y: 5809.35, flags: 0x0000)
54:07 <Kokavelo> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: 6787.79, Y: 5694.41, Target: 0x00006F3A00006E32, Object: 0x0052EC3B0000CB54, flags: 0x0044)
54:08 <Kokavelo> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: 6769.75, Y: 5630.77, Target: 0x00006F3A00006E32, Object: 0x004D93240001C629, flags: 0x0044)
54:09 <Kokavelo> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: 6791.56, Y: 5674.82, Target: 0x00006F3A00006E32, Object: 0x004D93240001C629, flags: 0x0044)
54:11 0x6B: SyncStoredInteger (dr.x, Data, DRI_10, [Vanguard (melee)])
54:11 <Kokavelo> 0x13: Target+object order: dropitem (X: 6827.52, Y: 5647.84, Target: 0x00006F3A00006E32, Object: 0x0052EC3B0000CB54, flags: 0x0044)
54:11 0x6B: SyncStoredInteger (dr.x, Data, DRI_10, [Mystic Staff])