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  1. #1

    Default Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    We have to apologize for the technical forum problems occured on the first day of our event. Eventhough a new server was configured within shortest possible time, most of timeblock B our forum was down. Please note, that all boards of already finished timeblocks will remain opened for further discussions. The timeblock for "Fusionsphere Systems & Animation Arts" is postponed to Wednesday, 29.11.2006, GMT 19:00-21:00.

    Sorry for the inconvenience,
    The Adventure Europe Team

  2. #2

    Default Re: Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    Sorry to hear about the problems. Why did you guys have to change servers so short before such an important event, if I may boldly ask?

    &gt; Learn more about my forthcoming point &amp; click adventure: Bad Timing!<br />&gt; Or... Visit Adventure Developers: Your source for everything related to independent/hobbyist adventure game development!

  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Jul 2006
    • Posts: 24

    Default Re: Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    Out of curiosity, is it as busy as you expected? Busier? Less busy?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    @Erwin: We had to change the server due technical problems which came up during the event
    @Radiant: So busy, that our server crashed ;D


  5. #5

    Default Re: Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    Hi Micha,
    liegts am Forum oder an meinem Rechner, das Smilies und die vorschau Funktion beim beitr�ge verfassen nicht funktionieren?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    Hallo netgic,

    also ich habe gerade den Beitrag oben geschrieben und hatte keine Probleme mit den Smilies ?
    Aber ich m�chte im Moment ein Problem mit dem Forum nicht ausschlie�en, davon haben wir gerade genug >
    Wir arbeiten daran und sind hoffentlich morgen wieder zu 100% da.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    Quote Originally Posted by [netgic
    Hi Micha,
    liegts am Forum oder an meinem Rechner, das Smilies und die vorschau Funktion beim beitr�ge verfassen nicht funktionieren?
    My smileys aren't working either. It's not too important, though. You guys are lucky to get everything up on its feet in shuch a small timeframe! Good job.

    &gt; Learn more about my forthcoming point &amp; click adventure: Bad Timing!<br />&gt; Or... Visit Adventure Developers: Your source for everything related to independent/hobbyist adventure game development!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    Hi Micha,

    damit du wei�t was ich meine und vielleicht hilfts ja bei der probleml�sung hier mal zwei Bilder.

    Internet Explorer 7

    Bei Firefox 2 wird da garnix angezeigt:

  9. #9

    Default Re: Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    Hallo netgic,

    dankesch�n f�r den Hinweis und die Bilder. Habe es gleich an unsere Admins weitergegeben.
    Ich hoffe die bringen das noch hin, sind ganz sch�n im Stre� heute abend ;D


  10. #10
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Nov 2006
    • Posts: 1

    Default Re: Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    The problem today was partially caused by my slackiness, I had promised dimi to move the website content over to my own servers a couple of weeks ago but never really managed to because of my busy working schedule. If I had known that this event would happen I would have moved it a week ago so that it would have not disrupted anything.

    Anyways as Iam writing the content of the website is being transfered over to this new server but extremely slow because of misconfigurations at the old host I assume.

    Everything should be up and running correctly tomorrow


    ~ Suby

  11. #11
    Rank: Apprentice
    • Join Date: Apr 2005
    • Posts: 50

    Default Re: Forum problems during first day of ADOC2006

    Smiles problem fixed ;D :

    I would like to thank Leo for fast reaction in yesterdays crucial moment. You are a hero man

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