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Thread: Vouch request

  1. #1

    Default Vouch request

    - Personal information and background:Hi.My name is Danijel.I am 17 years old.
    - Previous DotA experience:I play dota from my 7 year,i have 10 years of expiriance.

    - Gameplay information:I am ablle 2 play each heros.I have better skill with carries and tanks.I prefer captain modes and i am good at making combos.
    - How skilled do you consider yourself. Low, mid, high?I think i am high skilled player but i will check it at ihl.

    - Why do you want to play in iHL?I want 2 play on ihl 2 check my skills and emprove them.

    - Are you aware of the iHL rules (here) and will you follow them?Yes i am.
    - What parts of the rules do you think could be improved?rules are good they dont need emprove.
    - What's your battlenet account?:<>The_13abiknight<>

  2. #2


    Upload atleast 2 replays.
    You shouldnt play with matches..

  3. #3
    Rank: Squire
    • Join Date: Aug 2009
    • Posts: 120


    I fucking lol'd. Fanboys without any imagination are not welcome here.
    ~In broken images~

    Quote Originally Posted by Raa-Key-Yaah
    i tend to not make any sense

  4. #4
    Rank: Apprentice
    • Join Date: Sep 2009
    • Posts: 74


    I think, he already vouch because I played 1 game with him, yesterday
    And he has the level's IHL
    The Best Counter Strike's Video :
    " Fuck this im just gonna go creep in wood... Aah, peaceful creeping, I can just taste the serenity not a techies in sight " xD

  5. #5


    Sry babI we dont want div 1 players. Denied.
    You shouldnt play with matches..

  6. #6
    Rank: Squire
    • Join Date: Aug 2009
    • Posts: 120


    Quote Originally Posted by Julia View Post
    I think, he already vouch because I played 1 game with him, yesterday
    And he has the level's IHL
    Irony is not your fort�, my friend.
    ~In broken images~

    Quote Originally Posted by Raa-Key-Yaah
    i tend to not make any sense

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