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Thread: n'aix

  1. #1
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    Default n'aix

    i cant find a good guide for n'aix playing...can some one suggest me build for him?

    thx in advance...

  2. #2

    Default Re: n'aix

    I dont play the hero often, but when I do, skills will go something like 1 in Wounds, then alternate between Feast/Rage, depending on the game.

    Items would go Treads/Armlet/Bracers as core build. For later you would need a deso maybe, then heart, again all depending on the other teams heroes.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: n'aix

    power treads and armlet is the core items, bracers and stuff if you die alot anbd shit then you can do alot of items after that.. bkb radiance desolator dagger hood/pipe whatever you feel you need, as far as skills one level slow one level life steal one level magic imune (for escape) and then max the life steal ulti when you can the max rage and lastly your slow. sry that i dont know skill names and i am to lazy to look it up but that should give you an idea for the hero. he is a carry so you should focus on hard dmg items and not stuff like sny and that shityou got an imba slow and iomba as anyway..

  4. #4
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: n'aix

    In start of game u shold get three bracers , then make power tread (old dota not 6.63 , but in new dota make phase boots) ,then u shold get armlet , desolator etc.....
    [b][size=7][color=red]Repub[color=blue]lika S[color=white]rpska

  5. #5
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    Default Re: n'aix

    yea pt is piss on any carry hero now so gogo phase

  6. #6
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    Default Re: n'aix

    nice topic kick and stating the obvious oa2000.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: n'aix

    stating the obvious is my first second and last name, allso havent been on this forum for some months so got some catching up to do

  8. #8
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    Default Re: n'aix

    then why revive old and dead topics without proper argumentation. There are ok guides, sesp for naix, on and after the mentioned core items are so situational.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: n'aix

    naix needs armlet hard
    he good with it

  10. #10
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    Default Re: n'aix

    i just raped a game so hard with naix and armlet^^ IMBA!

  11. #11
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    naix is a difficult char but he can win the game alone...ofc u make amlet threads satanic...bkb when u have opponents with a lot of stuns..the rest depends on u
    DemOn AgaInsT DaRkneSs

  12. #12
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    I often go on lane with dazzle or warlock as babysitter or in wood.
    I usually buy like: Pt, armlet, Deso/Dagger
    You might add some bracers if you like

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by WalkingParadox View Post
    I dont play the hero often, but when I do, skills will go something like 1 in Wounds, then alternate between Feast/Rage, depending on the game.

    Items would go Treads/Armlet/Bracers as core build. For later you would need a deso maybe, then heart, again all depending on the other teams heroes.
    This guy seems extremely intelligent.

  14. #14


    Basher is much more better option than deso.
    also Bot can be much more usefull than threads depending on your skill.

    bracers are his favorite item. cant get enough if them.

    anyway Naix gameplay is like playing Pacman. nothing more to it.

  15. #15
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    Personally I think BoTs is strictly a lategame with strength melee heroes. You're losing too much from not having the attack speed and hp boost early and mid game.

    Deso is great. I dont think ive ever bought a basher since I started DotA.

  16. #16


    judging from the math point of view (not synergy or hero owner, or stuff like that).

    Deso is useless vs players who understand that item and the numbers behind it. a item of 550 counters the whole dmg boost from Deso.

    as the game goes by -armor only weakens. it works good with heroes with the 5-10 armor.anyone over 10 armor doesn't feel that much pain. but for heroes with 2-3 armor is imba.

    5 armor = 23% damage reduction
    10 armor = 37.5% damage reduction
    20 armor = 54.5% damage reduction

    see my point.

    anyway if you are into damage.

    Cristalys 2200gold (deso is 4400)
    +35 dmg (deso 60 dmg)
    crit that gives 7.5% efective dmg boost. (while deso gives 7.5% dmg boost while enemy has armor of 9 if i remember correctly).

    it increases its potential trough game, not weakens, like Deso.
    Last edited by Artan; 27-11-2009 at 12:34 AM.

  17. #17


    Imba building for nai'x is : 1) Treads , 2)Sange&Yasha, 3)Armlet , 4)Dagger, 5)Radiance and 6)Heart Of Tarasque.

    When i random nai'x i play him like that style , and is impossible to lose
    Haters make me Famous !

  18. #18


    dude you forgot Divine. :rolleyes

  19. #19
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    Deso looks better

  20. #20
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    naix ! pt+ armlet + deso = gg

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