F.A.Q. about Secret Files 2

Q: What will the system requirements for �Secret Files 2?
A: The system requirements may still change slightly, but this is what we expect them to be:

Windows 2000 / XP / Vista
800 MHz CPU or better
256 MB RAM or more
DirectX 9-compatible AGP or PCI Express graphics card with 32 MB RAM or more
DirectX 9-compatible 16 Bit sound card
2 GB free disk space

Q: Is the story of �Secret Files 2� also about Tunguska?
A: No. The game will feature Nina and Max as playable main characters, but the story does not revolve about Tunguska. �Secret Files 2� has a completely new main story. In �Secret Files 2� Max and Nina will start out in different places of the world as their relationship broke apart but of course the story will bring them together at some later point. Again the story will feature the much liked mix of action, suspense and mystery.

Q: Have there been changes to the interface?
A: Yes, there have been smaller changes to make the usability even better, but in general expect the interface you are familiar with from �Secret Files Tunguska�. One example for those changes are the tooltips when hovering over an interactive object with the mouse. The tooltips are now attached to the mouse cursor instead of being displayed in a separate interface bar like it was the case in �Secret Files Tunguska�.

Q: What will be the screen resolution of �Secret Files 2�?
A: The game is not bound to one fixed screen resolution any more. You can use any resolution above or equal to 1024x768. This is an impressive feature a 2.5D game. It is even possible to choose widescreen resolutions like 1600x1200. To be able to utilize the whole screen and not have any unused screen areas filled with black bars there is a modified interface available specialized for widescreen resolutions.

Q: Does �Secret Files 2� utilize advanced 3D technology?
A: Yes it does. In particular there is now per pixel lighting (PPL) and normal mapping integrated into the engine which will require shader version 3.0 or better. But of course the game can be played without shaders as well. Another visually interesting feature is the realtime lighting of the 2D backgrounds. An example would be using a flashlight to lighten up a particular region of the scene.

Q: Since �Secret Files 2� is a 2.5D game what have you done to make the game look more dynamic and less static which is often said to be the downside of games using 2D backgrounds?
A: First I want to say that 2D backgrounds still allow better looking scenes with much more atmosphere and details than it would be in a full 3D game with the same system requirements. So 2D is far from dead. But nevertheless �Secret Files 2� has a very neat new feature making 2D much less static: a dynamic stepless zoom which we utilize for ingame cutscenes and dialogs.

Q: Besides the graphics and technology issues what has been done on the sound front?
A: �Secret Files 2� will use more music to create atmosphere than its predecessor. Also we have integrated foot step sounds into the game. So we can promise that you will hear the difference.