* ace= all of the enemy team is dead for the moment. Beware spawn times but now is an excellent time to push.
* aoe = area of effect, an ability which covers an area, rather than a single character.
* AP = Ability Power. The stat which boosts the effectiveness of abilities.
* aura = A 'passive' which applies not only to the hero who has it, but also to heroes within the given range for the aura. A shareable passive.
* bd/backdoor= To attack the enemies towers and base without the cover of your creeps there
* brush = The large grass in LoL which causes your hero to be hidden to people outside of the brush
* buff = Typically a temporary increase to some stat(s)
* carry = A character who, if played properly, wins late game fights for a team. Typically these heroes are weak early game and require a lot of farming.
* CC = crowd control. Moves that interfere with the other champions actions such as stun, fear, knockbacks/ups and blind.
* ]CD= Cool down, the time between using abilities.
* champion = The particular character that you as the summoner control
* dd = direct damage ability. Typically DDs are unavoidable: Click ability, click target, profit. For example: Annie's Q fireball.
* Disable = A Disable is a debuff that usually prevents some kind of action on the player. Stuns, roots, silences are all examples of disables
* DOT = Damage over time.
* dps = Damage per second. Also referes to characters who job it is to deal damage (As opposed to support and tanks)
* executed= killed by a tower with no enemy hero receiving credit for it
* Farm = Farming involves the amassing of gold for player. This is usually best done by killing a lot of creeps and killing them very quickly. Certain Heroes like Ashe and Tristana are great farmers: The first has a +gold passive, and the latter has an AOE passive.
* feed = A player who dies constantly feeds the other team (via the gold reward for killing someone). Being called a feeder is not a compliment. A player who is fed has a lot of kills.
* grass = see brush
* harass - to annoy the enemy with small bursts of non lethal damage, often forcing them to go heal or be set up for a gangk.
* hero = non-canon name for a champion
* humiliation= killed by a creep with no enemy hero receiving credit for it
* IAS= Increased Attack Speed
* juke, juking = When being chased, juking is to fool your pursuers. Typically this happens in the jungle. A successful juke could range from eluding the enemy by exploiting line of sight, or could simply cause the enemy to mistarget a spell.
* jungle = to attack neutral creeps, allowing for 2 solo lanes and better ganking.
* lane = the road like expanses that contain towers and lead to and from the bases
* last hit = Getting the very last hit, or killing blow.
* MR= Magic Resist. Works as armor against magic abilities, reducing the damage.
* ms = movement speed
* neutrals = The creep-enemies who live in the jungle
* neuts = neutrals
* passive = An ability which is not activated but helps a character. For example, Morgana's passive allows her to heal a small % of the damage her spells inflict. Passives usually apply only to the hero who has them.
* pbaoe = point blank area of affect. The area of effect is centered around the caster such as Nunu's Ultimate or any aura. (not widely used)
* Proc = refers to a weapon, item or ability activating with the "Chance on Hit" or "Chance on Use" effect (an ability or a spell). "Programmed Random OCcurence"
* Root = A debuff which prevents any movement by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
* Silence = A debuff which prevents any abilities being used by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
* skillshot = an ability that fires a projectile that can be dodged. For example: Morgana's cage, Ashe's ultimate arrow
* Snowball = an item that grows with kills, that can quickly become very dangerous unless kept in checked by death.
* Stun = A debuff which prevents any action by a champion (summoner spells excluded)
* summoner = Your representation in the game. Essentially you are the puppet master of your selected Champion and you have your own summoner abilities along with the champion's abilities.
* support = Characters who job it is to support other characters: Healers, buffers, etc
* tank = Character with a lot of HP and likely armor/resistance. Whose job is to initiate battles with the enemy players/turrets as to draw damage onto himself.
* tp - summoner spell teleport used to traverse the map "I'll tp back in"
* ult = ultimate ability. The R Ability.
* unique = In LoL certain auras/passive are unique, meaning they do not stack.
Locations (emphasis on Summoners Rift, the most common map)
* top, mid, bottom = the lanes in LoL.
* river = The river which cuts across the map diagonally in Summoners Rift
* baron, nashor, worm = the big worm like boss that gives a noticeable buff to the whole team when killed. The big red skull on the minimap
* dragon = the powerful neutral creep that provides gold and experience to the entire team. Located on the river near the bottom lane
* jungle = The mass of trees and paths that exist between the lanes
Chat Phrases
* gg = good game.
* gj = good job.
* gl hf - good luck, have fun, usually an encouraging sportsmanlike phrase said before a game,
* disc, dc = disconnect from a game.
Common Team Chat Commands and Requests
* b = back, fall back, they're coming for you
* back = fall back, they're coming for you
* bait - to deliberately appear in a position to be easily ganged so as to lure 1 or more players to be gangked by your team "go bait them in to the jungle"
* base, basing = going back to base
* bp, pill, pilling = blue pilling, going back to base
* care = be careful, they may be coming for you
* d, defend - to sit at a tower and/or inhibitor and attempt to avoid confrontation while stopping the enemy from killing the objective "I'm gonna d mid"
* DD (alternative)= don't die. Also sometimes direct damage
* focus = To target a player. Meaning that as a team you all will all focus on a specified hero to kill first.
* gank - to go (often with more than one player) to try and kill an enemy, often by surprise "lets gank bottom" . An Ambush
* heal - either the summoner spell, a champion ability, or the act of returning to base to regenerate HP and mana "you should heal"
* Kite= to draw a hero away from a comfort zone such as tower or allies and into a gank, creepwave, or other painful situation
* lom = low on mana
* miss, mia = Missing, missing in action. Commonly used to describe when a hero is missing from a lane and may indicate to the team that a gank may happen.
* oom = out of mana
* pot = potion (sometimes elixirs too)
* push - to gather up a creep wave and attempt to destroy an enemy tower "I'm going to push bottom"
* QQ = meaning to tell some one to quit, often as a rage quit. Coincidentally depicts a set of crying eyes and has also come to mean "cry more"
* raqequit = To quit a game in anger (Being killed, losing)
* shop,buy = To go back to base to go shopping, can mean you should shop or they are shopping
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