Vouch Team Request Information
* Name pub-gamers
* Where is the team from :Russia
* Is your clan registered somewhere else or irc channel for your clan :#dota.pride #say-plz was in IHCS(1)
* Write a brief text about your Teams DotA history :We was top15 PD11 lose to mouz coz spectre dont have 16 gold to rebuy ;D
* Post at least 2 replays of your clan match, preferably more :
http://www.gosugamers.net/dota/replays/35970 LOST.Ru vs pub pub[Metro]>Volchina STALIANER>Obli
* Pick-League Division (Dota-League) 1 div was on PD11 and so on.
* Are they aware of the rules and do they agree to them? :y
* Is there anything else you want to add? :
* Q-auth , garena ID for all 5 members. Notice us who is the leader :
Realag (c) promote to leader plZ
- If the team who wanna apply , have already players vouched inside , just post name of team , players vouched and q-auth's of them , and after that post the players who need to be vouched , and q-auths. They have to be supported also by one known team.
Kaif need revouch only and mb Alan unvouch reason: inactive