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Thread: Vouch Request

  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 24

    Default Vouch Request

    - Personal information and background:

    Hello, my name is George and I'm 18 years old. I currently live in Greece where I work as a student. When I no working I like to spend my free time playing dota and take a walk with my friends at clubs and many other places.

    - Previous DotA experience:

    I've played dota for 7 years. I started out with public games but then moved on to competitive like Clan GR,Clan GrC and in GDLR by GGC.

    - Gameplay information:

    I love to play all sorts of heroes. Mainly carries and gankers.Some of my favorite heroes are:,Zeus,Earthshaker,Priestess of the moon.Lion,Dazzle and Lina.

    -Are you familiar with of the roles of competitive DotA and do you understand how to play them?

    Yes I do.

    - How skilled do you consider yourself. Low, mid, high?

    Depending on how actively I play.I could say i am at middle level player and some time may be high

    -Why do you want to play in PDC?

    It seems like a nice and friendly league!I would like to play with many diffrent players of diffrent levels of skills.

    Are you aware of the PDC rules (here) and will you follow them?

    Yes I will follow the rules

    -What's your battlenet account?


  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: May 2010
    • Posts: 9


    ad 2 replays.

  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 24


    Date: 24/12/2009 16:53
    Patch version: 1.24
    Map: DotA Allstars 6.65

    Game mode: -arso
    Game length: 36:01
    Winner: Sentinel
    KaTaRaMeNoS., level 16 (Bot), items: , APM: 89
    PeOsforOs_, level 13 (Top), items: , APM: 60
    GR)Shaman, level 23 (Jungle), items: , APM: 130
    LilGreat, level 16 (Top), items: , APM: 65
    Mushroomakias, level 16 (Mid), items: , APM: 95
    allhlendotos, level 12 (Top), items: , APM: 102
    bAzOoOkaS, level 11 (Bot), items: , APM: 74
    Sex_Spasta, level 14 (Top), items: , APM: 97
    An_G, level 14 (Mid), items: , APM: 58
    ChArG3r, level 11 (Bot), items: , APM: 109

    Date: 24/12/2009 16:53
    Patch version: 1.24
    Map: DotA Allstars 6.65
    Game mode: -arso
    Game length: 36:01
    ( Click to show/hide )
    Winner: Sentinel

    KaTaRaMeNoS., level 16 (Bot), items: :manta: :mithrilhammer: tagi: :mael: ms: :wraithband: , APM: 89
    PeOsforOs_, level 13 (Top), items: :yasha: :hod: haseboots: :wraithband: :wraithband: :tp: , APM: 60
    GR)Shaman, level 23 (Jungle), items: :divine: :bfury: :lothars: :vlads: tagi: , APM: 130
    LilGreat, level 16 (Top), items: :agha: :euls: haseboots: :bracer: :nulltalisman: :nulltalisman: , APM: 65
    Mushroomakias, level 16 (Mid), items: :lothars: tagi: booster: greaxe: :nulltalisman: :nulltalisman: , APM: 95

    allhlendotos, level 12 (Top), items: :vlads: tagi: :wraithband: :wraithband: :tango: :tango: , APM: 102
    :clinkz: bAzOoOkaS, level 11 (Bot), items: :mithrilhammer: haseboots: :wraithband: :wraithband: :tango: :tango: , APM: 74
    Sex_Spasta, level 14 (Top), items: :crystalis: tagi: :wraithband: :wraithband: :wraithband: :mstick: , APM: 97
    An_G, level 14 (Mid), items: :meka: tagi: :bracer: :nulltalisman: :tp: :tp: , APM: 58
    ChArG3r, level 11 (Bot), items: :euls: :bracer: :bracer: :boots: :tp: :tp: , APM: 109

  4. #4
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 24


    Date: 06/12/2009 03:46
    Patch version: 1.24
    Map: DotA Allstars 6.64
    Game mode: -apso
    Game length: 1:33:34
    Winner: Scourge
    antouanetos, level 25 (Jungle), items: , APM: 75
    S4preeM, level 10 (Bot), items: , APM: 112, left: 17:37
    tsaftsouf, level 25 (Bot), items: , APM: 69
    FrankieZappa, level 25 (Mid), items: , APM: 82
    GR|Shaman, level 24 (Top), items: , APM: 108
    GodLike85, level 7 (Bot), items: , APM: 104, left: 9:14
    alaa_-_alaa, level 25 (Bot), items: , APM: 84
    LoG).Flash., level 25 (Top), items: , APM: 88
    dynasty^, level 21 (Top), items: , APM: 70
    THEsameMISTAKE, level 25 (Mid), items: , APM: 77

    Date: 06/12/2009 03:46
    Patch version: 1.24
    Map: DotA Allstars 6.64
    Game mode: -apso
    Game length: 1:33:34
    ( Click to show/hide )
    Winner: Scourge

    antouanetos, level 25 (Jungle), items: :heartoftarrasque: :sny: :demonedge: haseboots: :bracer: :circlet: , APM: 75
    S4preeM, level 10 (Bot), items: :bottle0: :sobi: :sobi: :mstick: :circlet: :mantle: , APM: 112, left: 17:37
    tsaftsouf, level 25 (Bot), items: :bfury: :lothars: :diffu: :vlads: :evasiontalisman: tagi: , APM: 69
    FrankieZappa, level 25 (Mid), items: :buriza: :assaultcuirass: :mkb: :manta: :bots: :blademail: , APM: 82
    GR|Shaman, level 24 (Top), items: :sata: :bfly: :mkb: :bkb: :lothars: :bots: , APM: 108

    GodLike85, level 7 (Bot), items: :roh: :stoutshield: :salve: :tango: , APM: 104, left: 9:14
    alaa_-_alaa, level 25 (Bot), items: :bfly: :bfly: :mkb: tagi: :vbooster: :tp: , APM: 84
    LoG).Flash., level 25 (Top), items: :divine: :sata: :buriza: :bfury: :bfury: :bkb: , APM: 88
    dynasty^, level 21 (Top), items: :bkb: tagi: :claymore: :bracer: :bracer: :bracer: , APM: 70
    THEsameMISTAKE, level 25 (Mid), items: :bfly: :bfly: :assaultcuirass: :mkb: :stygi: tagi: , APM: 77

  5. #5


    I watched your Ursa's replay.
    So here we go.
    ***Farming section***
    Bad actions:
    1) You say you are going for ring as first item. a)Its bad as first alone item in inventory and b)In iHL mode is CD , so you won't have the oportunity to get a ring as your first item.
    2) You've lost the half nts on pulling , which means that your last hit is bad.
    3) If you see there , ring doesn't help much. a scout shield etc would be better and you could have nice farm.
    4) I see you are pulling in every wave, that's bad . If the opponents at btm lane were better , razor would have a problem there. Although you are full HP and you dont go to other wood spots.
    5) You buy treads and i believe that this item does not suit to Ursa. W/e its mo.

    Good actions:
    1) You made pulls which is needed for woods, but although if it was a game in iHL you would have prob with that. [ You'll see if you pass the vouch.]
    2) Your gang abilities are good enough. You can communicate with your m8s and that's also good.
    3) Good moves [ Most of them, didnt check the whole replay but imo he can play some trial test games inhouse].
    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Final Result:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    � Good communication
    � Nice teamplay
    � Bad farm [ You are lucky bc you had Ursa {Easy rosh ,etc}]
    � Although its a public game but i think you can make it in test games
    � You must know that the only language you can speak in iHL is English.

    Wait for a staff to make the final decision.

    Best regards, Και μακραν καλυτερος ^^

  6. #6
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 24


    i don't play Ursa like that just i tried to play him different.Because i boring to play him all the time with the same items

  7. #7


    Not the best Ursa but il trial vouch you for a week.
    You shouldnt play with matches..

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