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  1. #1

    Default Welcome brawe strangers!

    Hi and welcome to "Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World" "super special, ion powered, illusional Adventure Europe" Booth!

    No booth babes here, sorry. Maybe we can hook you up with this year's E3 gallery.

    Booth babes or not, this is your little super secret confession box. Here you can ask anything related to Kaptain Brawe, maybe get a chance to see a few new screenshots, and aswell as some ingame music.

    You are probably here to try out your new interrogation techniques and make me rat out on what you can expect when the first episode is done.

    First of all, those that are new to Kaptain Brawe can find some already released info at:

    and play the demo which you can get at:

    To save you from asking the obvious questions here is some short FAQ:

    1. When is it coming out?
    Well, looking at the previous development speed, I'd say somewhere around late February 2007.

    2. How much have you done on the game
    I've completed about 85% of background art, some animations and around 50% of music. There are 6 characters to finish, but I've spent a good deal of November to speed things up regarding character creation, and optimize and reuse most of the animations that are already done.

    3. What's the scope of the game?
    There will be:
    2 planets and the part with the ship
    25 locations
    12 characters
    somewhere between 5-9 hours of gameplay

    4. Are there any plans for other languages besides English?
    Yes, but I can't talk about them as they are confidential.

    5. What engine did you use?
    Visionaire 2D Adventure game Creation system, which you can find at

    Well, that's about it, hope you will enjoy our little rendezvous, and most of all, hope you'll enjoy the game.

    Take care and see you on Tuesday!


  2. #2
    Rank: Devotee
    • Join Date: Apr 2005
    • Posts: 291

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    Hi, Kaptain!
    First of all thanks for an interview you gave to our portal/ezine. The issue'll be upped in a couple of days.

    When we were preparing for ADOC people were asking questions, some of them you've already answered in interview and I simply quoted them. But one question remained unanswerd so here it is. Have you already any thoughts on how much the game will cost?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    Are you referring to the second/ possible third games? Isn't the first episode to be freeware?
    Mr. Smoozles comic<br />Astronaut Elementary comic (the other AE )

  4. #4
    Rank: Devotee
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    • Posts: 291

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    yep, to the second one.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    This is a good time to say it.

    Yes, the first episode was meant to be freeware. But, third parties got involved so the game will come out as two episodes, meaning the first and the second will be 50% longer.

    Since I don't have the liberty to spill out the juicy details, lets just say that the first (and second episode) will cost less than the usual casual/downloadable games.

    It is now more than a year that I am working on the game, and I love it so much, that I decided to quit my job, and I can't do that without "some" funding.


  6. #6
    Rank: Devotee
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    • Posts: 291

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    In other words you want to say that both episodes will require payment, the first one will not be freeware, right?

    The second question - do you have any log or debug mode or smth in the game? I downloaded a demo and can't start it - it quits to windows during intro. Skipping intro doesn't help either...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    Yes - no point in hiding it or doing politics speaches about it. Both will be commercial.

    It crashes on the intro???? This is first in last 3-4 months. I've had that bug during the summer, but it was fixed.

    Is the sound garbled? The music breaks? I presume you have the latest Direct X?

    Can you please tell me which gfx card you have, or maybe a dual core processor?

  8. #8
    Rank: Devotee
    • Join Date: Apr 2005
    • Posts: 291

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    yep, sound is grabbled, directX is 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904), Geforce FX 5700, celeron 1.7 ghz

    P.S. I'll be away for half an hour or so, sorry

  9. #9

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    This game seems terrific! The looks are very polished and easily rival commercial 2D adventures out there. You should be damn proud of it!

    Good luck, and hope you can bring the booth babes next year! ;D
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  10. #10

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    Hey Agustin, thanks for the comments.

    ANd congrats on the "Scratches". You guys did a hellova job on that. I was SO happy you made it to no. 1 on Amazon, it gave me something to hold on while developing KB.

    Adventure games STILL stand a chance. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!

    Seriously, glad you liked it, maybe you could show it to your publisher =)

  11. #11

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    Thanks back at you!

    Actually, we didn't make it to no. 1... just no. 5 for a brief moment (no complains though, we were totally psyched about being above Oblivion).

    Adventures are definitely experiencing a revival, no questions about that. Small companies such as ourselves are managing to support themselves - and what's better, independent games are being held in more high regard by the minute (we're still a looong way of achieving mainstream consciousness though).

    Anyway, I'll try to show Brawe to some publishers. I can't tell if they would be interested, but I think the game could have a big following in Europe.
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  12. #12

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    Hey Agustin, thanks.

    Yeah, it seems Europe is more suitable for cartoony 2D adventures, judging by the mails I've been receiving. But, you are the first developer from Argentina (I apologize if I said the wrong country), and you did go to the top, atleast for a while. So, there is definately hope for all of us =).

    Thanks for the support, hope you'll like the demo (if you hadn't played it yet).

  13. #13

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    I didn't know there was a demo until today, so I'll go ahead and download it!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  14. #14
    Rank: Rookie
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    • Posts: 17

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    oh man, long time no see to this game...

    How long is it now, since you first showed this game in a thread first to the public... Seemed to be ages I know this game. O.o

  15. #15

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    Well, Kaptain Brawe had his first birthday on 1st of November. I showed the game somewhere around February and released the demo in May. Yeah, been working long on this game, but the end is near! Woohoo!

  16. #16
    Rank: Devotee
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    • Posts: 291

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    Hi again, Kaptain.
    If you'll read this topic, any news on the bug that prevents me running the demo?

  17. #17
    Rank: Wanderer
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    • Posts: 40

    Default Re: Welcome brawe strangers!

    I didn't know there was a demo, either. Thanks, I will be trying it!
    Beta-tester of Scratches, Carte Blanche, Time Stand Still, Hope Springs Eternal and others. Feel free to contact me if you need beta-testers!

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