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  1. #1

    Default Ankh, an adventure from adventure fans for adventure fans ?

    When playing Ankh it get�s quite obvious, that you are real adventrure fans as well ?
    Which are your most favorite (adventure) games, also including actual titles ?

  2. #2
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Nov 2005
    • Posts: 28

    Default Re: Ankh, an adventure from adventure fans for adventure fans ?


    we have to admit that our all time favourite is "The Secret of Monkey Island" (although there are team members like Maxime who have never played the game and were still allowed to work on Ankh)!
    Some of us have also fallen in love with "Simon the Sorcerer" (well, not with Simon in person but you get the point).

    Speaking personally, regarding current titles, I've become quite disappointed during the last few years because there hasn't been an adventure title that really made me laugh or even smile. I liked playing "Broken Sword" and "Fahrenheit" and they do have their strong sides, but they don't really feature much humorous content. And this is weird because funny movies and TV series sell extremely well. So we hope we can prove that there's a market for humorous games too. It would be weird if it weren't.


    [Edit: removed some silly spelling mistakes!]

  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Ankh, an adventure from adventure fans for adventure fans ?

    What is your opinion on 3rd person vs 1st person view in Adventures? Will you continue with the current 3rd person point �n�click view?

  4. #4
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: Ankh, an adventure from adventure fans for adventure fans ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Buteo
    What is your opinion on 3rd person vs 1st person view in Adventures? Will you continue with the current 3rd person point �n�click view?
    Regarding the near future, yes. We simply love the feeling of the point-and-click control mechanism. Still, we are also investigating 3rd person or 1st person interfaces for future projects. But we are convinced that for a game like Ankh, point-and-click is simply the best choice.

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