As the Title says:
~~~HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011~~~
and a continuos growing DotA experienced League
and finger away from drugs&alcohol little kids xD
first time i did drank a wodka bottle off the reel ( was wodka gorbatschow ) and omg it tastes like this shit you get from the doctor lol i dont know why people would drink this shit xDD
i just got forced omg lolol
desperado beer tastes so much better >_> anyway i dont like the taste of yeast so beer aint best thing for me, but im kinda resistent of gettin drunk... after 10 bottles ( 0,33l so ~3,5l at total) Becks Lemon in 3 hours i wasnt drunk at all w00t and im no fattie !! but after that wodka my head was spinning around and it felt like a big fat headache
so.... happy new year xD