After start sent makes fb on pgg and he leave the game...sent team typing result sent... after this all agree that need truant and draw and some1 from scou team types sent and result sent.
* @PRIDE-LEAGUE Game DPcm569: Result confirmed and submitted; The sentinel have won
* @PRIDE-LEAGUE Experience change:Mantis[+17]MYM|Legend[+22] [aAa]Mdj[+22] Tribal`CoMbaL[+28][aAa]ToToG[+26] Tribal`Ph0enix[-29] PX|CH1ef^[-26] TeamHome|Nova[-25]TR|plzgogame[-19]swiss
* PRIDE-LEAGUE sets mode: -vvvvv [aAa]eZ [aAa]Mdj CH1ef^ Ernar FrostNova