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Thread: Last hitting

  1. #1
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Last hitting

    Does anybody have tipps and tricks for last hitting creeps?
    Sure, timing is everything. but do you attack, run around, ... Last hitting would be an important thing to learn i guess!
    [center]<br /> - the &quot;green search engine&quot;<br /><br /><br />[center]

  2. #2
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    well...when it comes to ursa u get 3rd spell, it gives u XTRA DMG, so u hit once a creep and when it comes to last hit u simply pwn it with the xtra dmg stacked from previous impact.

  3. #3
    Rank: Squire
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    It IS all about timing.
    There are some things that help though, like

    - damage (not attackspeed)
    - range
    - maybe skills that provide extra damage (bash, swipes, ..)

    ..but in the end, it's all about timing. None of the things that help you last hitting are worth anything if your timing was wrong.

    Another part that might be worth a look is the setting in which you try to last hit. I mean, if the enemies on your lane could kill you or damage you so much that they could kill you soon, it's no relaxing business to last hit. So avoiding attacks, staying in lane while surviving and maintaining good health surely is another important thing.

    Timing & surviving in lane. That'll be it.

    Rooftrellen is a great last-hitter regarding this - high starting base damage, escaping- and spammable healing spell.

  4. #4
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    Yeah, this seems to be just another thing you've gotta practice. I think I'm finally getting the hang of it - and the work pays off, literally
    [center]<br /> - the &quot;green search engine&quot;<br /><br /><br />[center]

  5. #5
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    if ur not having " show health bars " on, put it on to make it easyer

  6. #6
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    Well you need to 'feel' your hero's damage and attack speed. If host is good best way is to stand closest to creep you see you will be able to lasthit most early and rapidly press 's' (stop) and when you feel you can get him just release button and you got it. If host isn't so good, 's' probably won't work properly, just run around and feel your damage, attack speed and turn speed and you will be able to get almost every creep. First way takes more time to be skilled, but if you do it you will have really good cs. Second wave is also good and it doesn't ask for much practice. So it's on you what you will use

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    Quote Originally Posted by Blood.Bank
    if ur not having " show health bars " on, put it on to make it easyer
    there is another way , press alt and it will also show the hp bar

  8. #8
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    It's all about feeling and experience. There is no trick.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Last hitting

    Quote Originally Posted by DEVIL[9
    2 ]
    Well you need to 'feel' your hero's damage and attack speed. If host is good best way is to stand closest to creep you see you will be able to lasthit most early and rapidly press 's' (stop) and when you feel you can get him just release button and you got it. If host isn't so good, 's' probably won't work properly, just run around and feel your damage, attack speed and turn speed and you will be able to get almost every creep. First way takes more time to be skilled, but if you do it you will have really good cs. Second wave is also good and it doesn't ask for much practice. So it's on you what you will use
    Completly agreed ( not cuz we r friends irl ^^ )
    With some heroes, when u walk arround, u need to "Feel" TURN SPEED? what the hell is it?
    Turn speed is speed of the hero that he needs to make a full circle ( moving arround of himself )
    That is rly hard to learn, example
    Lich has TS of 0.40, same its with thd ( twinhead dragon )
    and some heroes like Dusa TS 0.60
    If u rly dont want to F**k with those thing as i did just when u attack creeps
    for lasthitting try to move ur heroes "FACE" straight to creep.

  10. #10
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    It really depends, when I'm 1v1 I try not to attack at the same time as my opponent because then my creeps and his creeps will have low health at the same time, which makes it pretty hard to kill it and then deny my. So my tactic is to attack when hes not attacking, and then wait till the time comes to lasthit.

  11. #11
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    Don't forget to try to hit ur enemies... if u have to counter melee hereos with ranged ones, try to keep them away from the creeps all the time to avoid them denying and getting kills. Keeping ur enemies on low hp is also a got start for a gank.

  12. #12
    Rank: Squire
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    as heller said try to move ur hero with the face to the creep.

    there are some different attack animations and basedamg.

    dont forget to move then lasthit...

    time will bring it.
    yall dont know reefa
    if i had to smoke what
    you smoke ill smoke no reefa

  13. #13
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    Hi ,

    First post on forum excuse me if my english is quiet bad.

    So some trick about last hitting.

    If you got a melee hero just aim with right click spam "hold position" ('E' touch with custom keys) and when you feel creep life is low enough don't press hold position. This trick is only good if you are not getting harass too much.

    With a range hero it's more about experience you have to learn each attack animation of every heros you are supposed to play and some are more easy than others (For example sniper got an imba attack animation and lina not :P)

  14. #14
    Rank: Elite Poster
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    lasthitting tip: pick kunk and just rightclick and hold around ur wave till something gets low and whack any with ur tidebringer will get you enough farm :P none can deny you as u can lasthit creeps barely in the red..

  15. #15

    Default Re: Last hitting

    I can talk abou me.Since creeps meeting (i mean when they agro one each other) u have to attack at ur creeps first target.Always by pressing A and left click more often.If u have no laggs u can also just w8 ur enemy's creeps come close to tower.I most kill creeps when they are close ti mine.Have fun :; And Thats me!<br /><br /><br />(SPAMM LL NEVER FADE!!!!)

  16. #16
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    last hitting is one of Strategy? isn't it basic stuff?
    come on guys..
    you guys should post on real Strategy stuff.
    like hero picks. whenever you guys scrim with other clan or teams.
    and line match up.
    do you guys know when rune pops up?
    every single 2 min.
    there are lots of thing we can discuss.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Last hitting

    Quote Originally Posted by Dieu_viva
    last hitting is one of Strategy? isn't it basic stuff?
    come on guys..
    you guys should post on real Strategy stuff.
    like hero picks.[/b] whenever you guys scrim with other clan or teams.[/b]
    and line match up.
    do you guys know when rune pops up?
    every single 2 min.
    there are lots of thing we can discuss.

    Hm..I think we can not discuss about heros picks etc.Cause then we should also discuss about modes.So if u talking about cm...There are no strategys..Only 2 ways.The normal one (witch means normal pics and baneds,and) and the early game picks.; And Thats me!<br /><br /><br />(SPAMM LL NEVER FADE!!!!)

  18. #18

    Default Re: Last hitting

    Btw,cibes ask if theres a trick for last hiting.And i report my way (or strategy) :
    Hf.; And Thats me!<br /><br /><br />(SPAMM LL NEVER FADE!!!!)

  19. #19
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    Its about the timing and every hero got different attacks(punch/range attack movements=the time it takes until the heros basic attack hits the creep) in time and with excersise u will learn. hope its understandable =)

  20. #20
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: Last hitting

    Quote Originally Posted by Dieu_viva
    last hitting is one of Strategy? isn't it basic stuff?
    come on guys..
    you guys should post on real Strategy stuff.
    there are lots of thing we can discuss.
    Hi Dieu_viva, please notice when i created this topic: May 16, 2008
    But anyway, why should this not be discussed?
    If you've got any other topics, feel free to open a new thread - i got to admit the strategy section isn't very large yet.
    [center]<br /> - the &quot;green search engine&quot;<br /><br /><br />[center]

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