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  1. #1

    Default [DotA]Map Explanation

    This is a series of 3 topics including various discussive matters regarding DotA!

    Today's lesson has to do with DotA Map Explanation

    Scourge are upper right attacking down left
    Sentinels are down left attacking upper right!

    the map below shows some points which i will explain

    the red lines show the sentinels creep way to the frozen throne
    the green lines indicate the scourge's creep way to tree of life
    the yellow dots are the secret shops locations
    the white dots indicate the neutral creeps location for jungling
    the Brown squares show the tavern locations for character selection(ap/wtf)mode only
    the Pink circles indicate the Tree of life(sentinels down left) and The Frozen Throne(upper right Scourge)
    the Teal dots reveal the goblin shops location(up route for sentinels/scourge) and bottom line for sentinels/scourge
    the Red Squares with dot shows the Roshan Location
    The Red Circles are the runes(which provide you buff for a short period of time)
    The Black dots are the towers defending the sentinels base from the scourge forces
    The Orange Dots are the towers defending the scourge base from the sentinel forces

    the next map is Blawl's map which indicates the routes you can and routes you cant go in the map

    the Red Lines are the innaccesible map areas
    the White Lines are all the routes you can go but sentinels/scourge creeps CANT go unless they follow you from aggro
    the Teal Thick Lines are the Creeps route and of course your offensive/defensive lanes

    And thats the last and my favorite map!
    its The Noble Bombing Map exclusively for Techies players
    of course these are all the possible bombing locations you might step into :P there are a lot of ways to combine all these traps but of course this is your gamestyle and revealing all the secrets and the best bombing locations to newbies and moderate players of techies we ll have unlimited techies trying to play techies unsuccessfully (because either they ll suicide)either they ll plant bombs trying to bait enemies)

  2. #2
    Rank: Apprentice
    • Join Date: Apr 2012
    • Posts: 52


    man this is yours?
    otherwise please give credits its not good to steal others work(if not im sorry but someone elso stealing you work and presenting it as his work )friendly always!

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