Now you can find anyone you want on a server of the largest LINEAGE ][ search site - introduction server Here
1. L2Silver Server , Informations: xp: 20 sp: 20 drop: 15 , Client : H5 , Votes : 952
2. L2Age Server , Informations: xp: 20 sp: 20 drop: 10 , Client : H5 , Votes : 906
3. L2Ashenvale Servers , Informations: xp: 10 sp: 10 drop: 10 , Client : H5 , Votes : 817
4. L2 SEXI , Informations: xp: 1000 sp: 1000 drop: 2 , Client : H5 , Votes : 577
5. L2 Gang , Informations: xp: 2000 sp: 2000 drop: 1 , Client : H5 , Votes : 378
6. L2 nuLL , Informations: xp: 500 sp: 500 drop: 5 , Client : H5 , Votes : 286
7. L2-DAMAGE , Informations: xp: 9000 sp: 9000 drop: 9000 , Client : IN , Votes : 282
8. Lineage 2 Ladyal , Informations: xp: 25 sp: 25 drop: 20 , Client : FY , Votes : 280
9. L2ReGain , Informations: xp: 2000 sp: 2000 drop: 1 , Client : IN , Votes : 196
10. L2 Scryde , Informations: xp: 1000 sp: 1000 drop: 1000 , Client : H5 , Votes : 176