1.General Information
The tournament's system will be single elimination (knock-out). The opponents of the 1st round matches will be randomly selected by software and in the next rounds a generated tournament tree will be followed. There will be a maximum of 32 team slots and all users will have the right to participate, however the same player cannot be declared in two different teams.

2.Ιn Game Rules
The tournament will be on-line and the games will be hosted by HostBots for easier statistics collection and replays, therefore the Garena platform won't be used.(except if both teams agree to play their game on garena)! The tournament map will be the current stable edition according to the site: http://www.getdota.com. The game mode will be -cm.

2.1. In case of a Leaver
In case of a PC problem during the game, the team leader has the right to save the game and ask for a reload. After 20 minutes of playing, in case of an unpredicted PC error, the game will continue as normal. (the leaver's hero can be used as the team wishes).

2.2 Cheating
There will be no place for cheating. If somebody is caught cheating, the tournament admins will decide for his punishment.

2.3 Boosting
It is prohibited to give or buy items for your team-mates(boosting). �Sharing� and �Enemy� Items are excluded. In the case where boosting of a player has taken place, 1 warn point will be given to the team. If the boosting contibuted in the team's victory, this team will automatically lose the game.

2.4 Manners
Badmanners and ironic comments are prohibited and the only players permitted to speak during a game are the team leaders. Each team has the right to ask for a pause -from the leader of the opposing team- up to 3 times with a duration of 3min per pause in each game. If there is a major issue the team leader should talk to a tournament Αdministrator and report the problem. Whenever a game ends, the result should be reported to a tournament Administrator.

2.5 Creepskiping-Backdoor
Creepskiping is permitted. In the new DotA versions the towers and the barracks, when there are no creeps in the adjacent area and the enemy hero is attacking them, have auto-regenaration that can reach up to 100%. Therefore backdoor is not prohibited.

2.6 Veto-Warns
If a team believes that an admin's decision or another issue has been a factor that led to an injust outcome then the team can declare a Veto, in which case the team leader will discuss with the Admins about the problem.

Any offence by a team will be punished with a Warn by the Admins. If a team receives 2 warns in a game then that team automatically loses the game.

In case a team receives 3 warns in total in the tournament, then that team will be disqualified.
In addition, if a Veto is declared for a non-existing or non-important reason then the team declaring the Veto will receive 1 warn. Therefore each team should be carefull with its choices.

2.7 Exploiting
The exploiting of bugs is prohibited. If somebody is caught exploiting a bug, the tournament admins will decide for his punishment.

2.8 Item Restrictions

  • 1 refresher Orb / team
  • 2 mekansm / team
  • 2 Orchid of Malevolence/ team
  • 1 Shiva�s Guard/ team
  • 2 necronomicon / team
  • 2 eul�s / team (2 eul-0 guinsoo ή 1 eul-1 guinsoo ή 0 eul-2 guinsoo)
  • 1 arcane ring / team

There is the possibility of Ventrilo use during the games if a team wishes. Our ventrilo server information are: ip:vt.dota-alliance.com, port:34225, pass:bomb

We hope that both tournaments will be successful and many teams will participate, so as we can enjoy our hobby and we can live nice and unforgettable moments.

The Organisers, Dota Alliance & Athens Gaming League