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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default dota rank is useless

    Hi just wanted to say that until many things will be addressed and fixed, dotarank is completely useless.
    it just gives away free -10 points even if the entire team quit and an ass hat with dotarank decided to stay in the game and play against no one.


  2. #2
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    No trolling. Please delete.

    Once you decide to be stupid, the only turn back is intelligence. Don&#39;t be smart enough to be intelligent and then have to become stupid to undo something dumb!<br /><br />There is only one problem with sarcasm: chimpy chimpos. Sarcasm is as neat as water: depends on the background to tell its color.<br /><br />~In

  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    lol every time someone gives some criticism you call to delete the post?
    Haha no wonder this system is such a failure.
    Fail to acknowledge its nowhere near a system with any kind of legitimacy and people will keep ignoring it.
    Don't tell me its ok that when a player quits 1v5 (when he's alone) and the rest of 5 keep playing for another 30 minutes he should get -10 points. And such ridiculous things happens waaaay too much, so nearly no one bothers coming here and trying to resolve it.

    Anyway, gl digging your head in the sand. Writing feedback in this place is a waste of time.

  4. #4
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    Criticism is always welcome as long as it is constructive criticism. We have a suggestions board which you'll find quite elucidating, specially because there are multiple suggestions regarding the counting of points - some very neat.

    Your post, on the other hand, is trolling, as the word spells. Hope you can read this and hopefully reconsider your position before a mod locks this.

    Once you decide to be stupid, the only turn back is intelligence. Don&#39;t be smart enough to be intelligent and then have to become stupid to undo something dumb!<br /><br />There is only one problem with sarcasm: chimpy chimpos. Sarcasm is as neat as water: depends on the background to tell its color.<br /><br />~In

  5. #5
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    Nice to see does on bug reports, facts based critism and even appeals no answer comes, hell i even didnt know if the staff reads my messages, laugh about them or just ignores them.
    How about a answer on those? Miracles should happen sometimes. :
    No answer is a answer to in my eyes
    If this post is read by a staff member i would like to see a message to finaly adress the problem, if this post is seen as trolling or spam please delete the forumpost, all my other posts, and all my dotarank reports.

    Quote Originally Posted by Executer
    It started some times ago when i noticed does i as host be sending wrong gamereports like this:

    Because of the wrong calculated time of leave even the players who stayed till the end of the game get counted as leaver (the gap between the real time of leave and the reported one is over 300 seconds!).
    Over the last weeks there is no advance to a solution, a statement about the situation, the bug or uprising solution/fix or even an appeal to patience visible. In my eyes there is not one sign does the problem of the community and report contributors is adressed and taken seriously.
    Because i didn't want to damage the reputation/rank of even more nice players who stayed in my games than i already had i take the only acceptable step and quit using Dotarank.

    Sorry to all which got false -10 games from my games.

    @ Staff i and for sure all other affected players and hosts would like to hear a statement about the situation, does it's taken serious and does it's really adressed....

    @ Community if u are affected by the same bug as u see on my Screenshot above give a factual and polite statement about the situation and how u deal with it.

    gahexecuter | Northrend
    Detected: Oct 07, 2007
    Games played: 485
    Games scored: 356
    probably sent around 400-450 game reports and hosted around 300+ dmar(em) public games
    Quote Originally Posted by Executer

    some of my mates stated to me, does their ranks are going down. In the first place i didnt gave that much wheight because they didnt use arank theirself, just i as host of some games. Some days again i then see the whole bloody mess. The whole report was wrong and showed to near all players wrong times. It looked like it just substracted from the time of their leave (game was ended; throne destroyed) several hundreds (300+) seconds.
    In my view this has to be some bug which somehow spread since some weeks when u check the increased amounth of posts about a such or similiar situation.
    In the end it turns arank for me into a completly unusable tool, because i risk with any game hosted while dotarank on does i flag nice players and good friends as leavers just because a screwed up reporting.
    With each day this situation continues it damages the value, correctness and reputation of dotarank even further and at some point u and we have to start all over from the scrap or worse.
    I believe when u run some statistics u should find the point when some change in the outcome of the scores started.
    These wrong or possible wrong reports have to be deleted automatically because its hillarious to expect the players and hosts to report any wrong report.
    Even i myself didnt know when this started, could be like this for 2-4 weeks without notice by me.

    There was for me only rc1 usable because the other clients arent usable for me (checked this under vista and xp: rc2 didnt recognize players right and only after several minutes in lobby, rc3 completly unsuable, with rc1 i have to check all suspicious players in browser...) and now it even starts sending wrong reports.

    I would like to see a statement about or if there is a problem and how it is to be solved because my trust in dotarank is near gone
    The idea of dotarank is good. The implemention is as view of programming "bad" and this wrong reports turn the score of dotarank from 3/10 points to -9/10 points from my sight.
    After some small Edits some Major Edit:

    If not only i have problems i would like so see an implementation of checking the summary before its sent (as example a submit button; checkbox or similiar). This has the positiv aspect of collecting at least in some part interesting reports for analyzation (for sure there will be a noise of wrong flagged reports like with any other method).
    Quote Originally Posted by Executer
    I think reports like this one of mine are (one of?) the reason(s) for such bad scores.

    Quote Originally Posted by Executer
    I would like to see a statement about or if there is a problem and how it is to be solved because my trust in dotarank is near gone
    The idea of dotarank is good. The implemention is as view of programming "bad" and this wrong reports turn the score of dotarank from 3/10 points to -9/10 points from my sight.
    Core function screwed
    &quot;Those who are ready to sacrifice freedom for security ultimately will lose both.&quot;<br />-Abraham Lincoln<br /><br />&quot;I know what you&#039;re thinking, &#039;cause right now I&#039;m thinking the same thing. Actually, I&#039;ve been thinking it ever since I got here. Why, oh why didn&#039;t I take the blue pill?&quot;<br />- Cyper in Matrix

  6. #6

    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    yes it is almost useless.
    the way dotarank works should be changed - there are lots of abusers.

  7. #7
    Rank: Councilor
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    Executer which version are you using?
    I'm a powerful demonic force! I'm the harbinger of your doom! And the forces of darkness will applaud me as I STRIDE through the gates of hell carrying your head on a pike!

  8. #8
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    Quote Originally Posted by Friesisch-Scott
    Executer which version are you using?
    The wrong reports were generated by the 2.3 RC1 version. I know there were made improvements like new methods for information gathering and such, but i was not able to use the newer clients because the known problems.
    RC1 worked like it should for a loong time, until those wrong reports showed up. I tested it in vista and xp, with a new installation of dotarank, happens reproduceable in my case with RC1, i host usually all games i play and so all affected reports where as host.

    I made various posts in different threads to this theme and someones who "lead" to the situation, while i used as a last option a sort of shotgun method. The ones providing interesting information to this problem are following:

    about the upcame of my wrong "-10" reports (Official -10 thread
    proving screenshots of wrong reports sent (Official -10 thread
    About "-10" and discussion about disabling its reports
    announcement of quitting dotarank, critic of situation and call for report of people who have the same problems (without an answer)

    Clients problems
    sw hang of RC3
    About unknown version not listening players (probably RC2)
    About hosting games andRC1 as working client
    statement why ppl use RC1 and general critic/suggestions for dotarank

    more general
    senseless try to sensibilize someone why software couldnt adress any problem

    When i overlook the official thread all or near all reports provide no winning information, so caused by RC1..
    oh and i sent u a pm on May 07, 2008 about a wrong game report, then it started for me..
    (+some links changed from thread to post)
    &quot;Those who are ready to sacrifice freedom for security ultimately will lose both.&quot;<br />-Abraham Lincoln<br /><br />&quot;I know what you&#039;re thinking, &#039;cause right now I&#039;m thinking the same thing. Actually, I&#039;ve been thinking it ever since I got here. Why, oh why didn&#039;t I take the blue pill?&quot;<br />- Cyper in Matrix

  9. #9
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    i totally agree with rainy!! my rank is 1 i played a few games with a m8 of mine he has arank! 2 games were left completly! they count as ignored! 4 games count as scored! makes rank 2 in my opinion!! but there stands games score: 3 games left:1 rank:1 played: 7

    totally wrong! dota rank count nothing to me from now on!!!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    why i can't even see the game i should have left?? i can't even look the replay when i don't what the date of my "leave" is or the game name how can i see?? i want to proof that ur system does not work!!!

  11. #11
    Rank: RGC Leader
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    First of all, I don't consider this trolling.

    Secondly ... I've made a statement about the situation on the 30th of June:

    And I am sorry for what has happened. Noone of the members of the staff in this forum actually have the power to have done something about it.
    However I'm taking things in my own hands now and I am trying to get DotArank back.
    "I am just another lost soul, locked inside a box, looking for a key."

    Please do not write me visitor messages or private messages on the forums, I do not have the time to check the at this point in time. I will reply on RGC if I have time, but sometime I am online but not present.

    You can always use our Support Room: /j support

  12. #12
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    nice idea to update arank and stuff but u really should think about a restart of the database its not fair how it worked so far and u say there would be cheaters i think the first point that dotarank is not fair is it has riuntimeproblems on many systems so u have to overcome this problems first of all thne u could restart the database and jeust leave some proofed user in it! #

    because this system went totally wrong and in my opinion it should be resetet!!


  13. #13
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    @pinkpopper, it would be enough, if they are going to update the database, that means: removing all false -10 reports and cheated accounts (cuz these are obvious; most of them). Resetting everything would annoy all existen arank users who played so many games before and never cheated, only got annoyed by the bug atm (me included)

    @Sir Rogers, would that mean, that in future the false -10 reports will be removed - if you or another staff member got time to fix it and maybe stop those false reports? That would be a beginning of the new arise of arank, cuz this is more annoying than the cheated accs

  14. #14

    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    Dotarank is not useless just because there are some glitches doesnt mean that its useless.Now i'm in the retire phaze and if i'll do a last thing to dotarank is to bring it as it were b4.I stand with Sir Rogers and help him even after i'm retired.Who wants to give a hand and tell all the bugs he found mail me at [email protected] or just on forum i'll take a last time only full member help until dotarank will be Top 1 as it was before. Good luck to all !

  15. #15
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    Finally something seems to be happening. Thanks for doing something and i just hope you're keeping that up!
    The problem with bug tracking is nobody knows which bugs are already fixed in the later RCs if you're using the older ones. And i don't want to spend hours in order to identify the cause of a bug that is already fixed.
    [center]<br /> - the &quot;green search engine&quot;<br /><br /><br />[center]

  16. #16
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    Quote Originally Posted by DoNmazZ
    @pinkpopper, it would be enough, if they are going to update the database, that means: removing all false -10 reports and cheated accounts (cuz these are obvious; most of them). Resetting everything would annoy all existen arank users who played so many games before and never cheated, only got annoyed by the bug atm (me included)

    @Sir Rogers, would that mean, that in future the false -10 reports will be removed - if you or another staff member got time to fix it and maybe stop those false reports? That would be a beginning of the new arise of arank, cuz this is more annoying than the cheated accs
    The database is not going to be reset, that would drive every existing member today away.

    However I can assure you that all false reports will be looked after and erased.
    I will do my best as far as possible.
    "I am just another lost soul, locked inside a box, looking for a key."

    Please do not write me visitor messages or private messages on the forums, I do not have the time to check the at this point in time. I will reply on RGC if I have time, but sometime I am online but not present.

    You can always use our Support Room: /j support

  17. #17
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    but will you delete the cheated accounts? I mean the ones like the well-known F@[email protected] (650 games, 650 wins, rank 42, GGc server), or other accounts posted in recent topics where games are counted twice or even more with different names?
    Clan DoPS (Dota Porn Stars)

  18. #18
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    Quote Originally Posted by 108
    but will you delete the cheated accounts? I mean the ones like the well-known F@[email protected] (650 games, 650 wins, rank 42, GGc server), or other accounts posted in recent topics where games are counted twice or even more with different names?
    yeah, that would be great, found many users which got many games counted twice or more... i guess its not good for the community, if they can go on like this.
    Well, you dont have to delete those accs, but i would appreciate if the cheated games got deleted and maybe this bug or whatever it is would be fixed.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    Honestly, I think the only responsible thing to do would be to suspend the database until the well known glitches and bugs are fixed.
    Right now you are probably branding hundreds of people as leavers for no good reason every day. I know, there are worse things that can happen to you, than to be called a 'leaver' in a video game (and I don't want to exaggerate the whole affair). But still it is the slightest bit dishonoring and I would not want that to be done in my name.

  20. #20

    Default Re: dota rank is useless

    Sometimes the opposite happens as well. I had several games now where leavers didnt get -10, even though one left at the start of the game ...

    Also, the program screws up the win-ratio. On several occasions now I won a game (stayed until the end) and arank simply stated "nobody won" ... that suxx ...

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