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Thread: Dota League

  1. #1
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Default Dota League

    I've played some DL for the first time the past 2 days so here are my impressions :

    The community is very poor, people report for slight unvoluntary backdoors but however flaming or trash talking don't seem to be a problem.
    The rules are stupid, and I expected something better from such an old and well-known league, for instance : after 18min of game, 1 player from my team leaves and rest do FF (4/4), so I just leave the game... however I get marked as a leaver and get -10... why ? Because of a pointless rule 2.10b or something which says that a forfeit isn't valid before 20min of game.
    Another stupid rule says you have to do countdown everytime you pause AND unpause... So once, the game was about 40-10 for opposite team and i did pause cause I had to do something, when I came back I unpaused without countdown but however said "re" before unpause. Someone who died just after that reported me and I got penalty points (about -2). Now would it really have changed anything if I had just typed "321" before unpause? the game was definitely over and this leads me to my last bad impression...
    In the same game, the opposite team didn't want to finish (they prefered farming, killing roshan etc) so after 40min and 50-10 score (I was the only playing in my team, and around 8-9 score), 4/5 from my team had ff'ed, and the last one decided that he WOULDN'T ff (probably he hoped that someone from his team gets d/c so he doesn't get the -3 for losing but -0). At this point I just ask everyone in allchat if they agree if we just mark the game as a win for sentinel and we can go next instead of wasting time, they say OK and we leave and mark win for sentinel. However that player posted a support to an admin asking to mark me as a leaver, since I was the first one who left with only 4/5 ff. Of course the admin followed the rules and gave me -10, and -0 to the rest of my team. So what does it teach us ? The only really playing person gets -10 and the others, who lost this game and deserve negative points, have -0... I even did something good by ending that game which could still have lasted long.

    Conclusion : The mannered, decent and never-leaving (unless it has no influence on the game, i.e. already ruined game) player that I am (most of you know me a little) was given -22 penalty points in 2 games. Where's the logic ? You tell me.

    DotArank is still the most decent community I've ever played in.

    Regards, Moes.

  2. #2
    Rank: Squire
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    Default Re: Dota League

    i agree dota league sucks but still better then public....

  3. #3
    Rank: Councilor
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    Default Re: Dota League

    Well what do we learn out of this is, apply to the rules :-P, all in all, skill level there is higher then in random pubs and I like the "tournament-feeling" and detailed statistics. Maybe I have another opinion about DL, because I mostly win there :-P, but sure DL is not top notch like Arank(acting more logic and case dependent).

  4. #4
    Rank: Devotee
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    Default Re: Dota League

    Well, today I had a SIG there as well, today, and suddenly I remembered why I hate playing there:
    Ppl are getting mass pissed about those 5 points.
    Ppl dont know how to play their hero.
    Too many retards and flamers.

    Maybe SIG is better than random pubs, but nowhere near the same amount of fun... In SIG's u simply cannot make any mistakes before the flame war starts -.-'. By making mistakes u learn, and if u have a bad game, then God have mercy on u :/


    DotArank RULES!

    Peace out

    MeatHead ;D

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Dota League

    I've had a bad experience personally with dota league and I think the reason why it is a total fail for SIG games is that the admins are utterly retarded.

    Now I hope nobody quotes me on this and makes a bad press release, so I'll back it up with facts:

    1) They ban any accounts that used the same IP once. As we know nowadays most of our IP addresses are dynamic and not static, so you play with IP addresses that other people used. Also people in university/school/work networks share the same IP. Now a totally innocent person gets banned. There was even a reported case where a student went through the trouble of sending in his passport to identify himself. He stayed banned because the other player on his university network refused to do so.

    2) Dota-League admins use no common sense when applying their already stupid rules. Now I can't make this a general statement, because there is the very small chance that there might actually be one good admin in their team, but I doubt it.

    The only thing they can actually do is organize tournaments and their cw divisions. I think that is the only one side that DL does right. Anyway, after dotarank is getting its competitive section, DL will be history, hopefully. *fingers crossed*

    Sir Rogers
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  6. #6
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Default Re: Dota League

    Hehe we all supporting you and hoping it will be as you say.
    Didn't know about the 1) but it sounds very pathetic indeed, as if the 15 days period you have to wait before playing SIG with an account wasn't enough, I really got pissed about it.
    Totall agree with your 2) and that's what I wanted to come to : the admins look so uninterested in their role that they dont take the time to analyse each situation but only apply their rules with the stiffness of a javelin. For instance I've seen such situations as : one player does unintentional backdoor while chasing an enemy, like 1 hit on tower because of autoattack, he gets reported and is inflicted penalty points, just because that was "backdoor" in the strict sense that he hit a tower without his creeps.
    Alright, not gonna complain about DL non-senses any more :P
    Just a community which has good technicals but woesome players and admins. What a pity.
    PS : I'm of course talking about SIG only.

  7. #7
    Rank: Elite Poster
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    Default Re: Dota League

    Lets hope:
    "Dear Sirian,
    your application to VIP SIG has been accepted. You are now able to play VIP Single Instant Games.
    Please remember to stay mannered and fair in SIG games, because breaking rules and harsh language will be punished hard and can also result in a revoke of your VIP rights."


  8. #8
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: Dota League

    Yea.. once i forgot the pass on dl and i didnt know which msn i used so i asked a admin what i should do, he said that i should make a new account and then send a support.. i did exactly that and then i got the answer on the support " you have been banned from dl for 720 days for multiaccounting" WTF? i sent the admin message back saying that i was told to do this and he said. "multiaccounting is not allowed in any case, the ban will stay" .. seriously that sux

  9. #9
    Rank: Devotee
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    Default Re: Dota League

    First of all PWNED SPERM.BANK! ;D

    And yeh, it sucks.

    One of my clanmates got banned for multiacc, simply because he played 1 game at a friend xD He even wrote to the Admins but they refused to revoke it...

    A friend of mine got -10 because he left fucking 2 secs b4 the tree/throne were killed :> It rly sucks...

    Also why I am looking for IH communities than DL, because DL SUCKS! ;D

    And to Sir-rogers HELL FUCKING YEAH! ;D

  10. #10
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: Dota League

    Do u have any proof that the dl admins arent robots? they act by the rules no matter what happands, u could hold 1 of the admins mothers hostage and they wouldnt change.. not that i recommand u do that xD

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Dota League

    Quote Originally Posted by Blood.Bank
    Do u have any proof that the dl admins arent robots? they act by the rules no matter what happands, u could hold 1 of the admins mothers hostage and they wouldnt change.. not that i recommand u do that xD
    I've got waterproof evidence! I wrote a PM to all of the admins, just saying: *Throws stick* and I got flooded by replies just stating: *catch*

    And yes ... they are mentally retarded :-)
    "I am just another lost soul, locked inside a box, looking for a key."

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  12. #12
    Rank: Devotee
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    Default Re: Dota League

    read this thread:
    yeah, Phanny is an admin...

    VIP SiG is fine. Many people like Loda/Hanni/hex0r and many others play regularly. It's always fun to play with/against them.
    Im grossen Buch des Lebens steht es schwarz auf weiss geschrieben:
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  13. #13
    Rank: Disciple
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    Default Re: Dota League

    i never have higher apm then 60-80

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