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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Oct 2008
    • Posts: 2

    Default Stas on the dotarank page


    I have a question to a point on the dotarank page. When I open the page and log me in than I choose stats and search for my player name (R3dnose). Thats my account name. But when I than look by the Point "DotARank account" that I dont have an existing account. I am registered since yesterday.

    Now is this something that needs some time or what i have to do to get this inromation?

  2. #2
    Rank: Disciple
    • Join Date: Dec 2007
    • Posts: 226

    Default Re: Stas on the dotarank page

    This question has been answered like a hundred times already but once again:
    After the database has received some games submitted from your .Arank account it will automatically link your accounts - so no worries, just have a little patience
    [center]<br /> - the &quot;green search engine&quot;<br /><br /><br />[center]

  3. #3
    Rank: RGC Leader
    • Join Date: May 2007
    • Posts: 1,869

    Default Re: Stas on the dotarank page

    Rednose, if you've read this, please send me a PM to confirm you understood everything.

    I want to move this to archives and slowly clear up the forums.
    "I am just another lost soul, locked inside a box, looking for a key."

    Please do not write me visitor messages or private messages on the forums, I do not have the time to check the at this point in time. I will reply on RGC if I have time, but sometime I am online but not present.

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