Hi, I don't know much about DP and I haven't found any informative topic about it so I've decided to ask some questions about it here (Don't think I know anyone who plays here)
("About DP", seems like no one has taken their time to write some information, or is it just me that isn't finding anything? -> http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=16242)
What's the difference between DP league/DP league2 and DP public?
How/where/when are games hosted? Do I have to have a team/know anyone here to join? Are the games IRC based? Are players communicating through ventrilo or just warcraft chat when it comes to public?
I consider myself pretty skilled and well mannered. I can play all roles on a decent level (I mainly play carry/semi-carry/ganker but I also know how to babysit/ward/support etc.) I'm currently in a clan so we play alot of cw's. I watch competative replays frequently (at Gosugamers or streamed at Waaghtv) to check out picks, strategies and play styles.
So If I decide to join your community, where should I start/request? In DP, DP2 or DPP?
Brief summary: What is DP? How does it work? And what advantages do I get from playing in DP?
Regards Ziqqi-
Edit: I've uploaded a replay of me playing Venge, roaming from level 3 pretty successfully. I guess this should be in my vouch request. But I've just posted it here first, so you can see how skilled I am so you can get a better idea about where I should request for a vouch if I want to play here in the future. (I didn't even buy 1 ward that game, only upgraded chick in the beginning, because they were "out of stock" all the time and the game ended rather quickly (30 minutes due to !ff) . We had a Crystal Maiden and a Witch Doctor that warded all game and I guess I was too busy ganking ) But I know all the basic ward places.
Here's the replay: http://rapidshare.com/files/34114457...qi_pH.w3g.html
The game is played on Ranked Gaming Client in the DR.Community Channel. Which is one of the many features of My Massive Gaming Network