My name is Omar, i am 17 years old and i live in Egypt!Personal information (name, age, location, etc):
Ваше имя, где живете, сколько вам лет:
Pendragon|Your RGC nickname:
Ваш ник в RGC:
i started playing dota 4 years ago , but not continiously for some issues , i played in leagues like x3m , eal and edl in garena and some unknown leagues , played many cws with previous clans and played in HL Rooms!Your DotA history (when did you start, where you have played, do u have a clan - link, etc.) .
Ваша история игры в доту ( когда и где начали, в каких кланах были и т.д.)
unfortunately i don't know anyone :s but i am hoping for a vouch!Do you know anyone in CIS.MS who could support your req.? If yes, name them.
Если вы знаете кого-нибудь кто может поддержать вас (из уже завоученых), то перечислите их. < balanar in EALLink to 2-3 replays which shows your skill and which are approving with requirements * (use some replay parser to upload, for ex. ,Please do not post pub replays otherwise your request will get denied
Загрузите, пожалуйтса, несколько реплеев, которые покажут ваш уровень игры. Не стоит показывать реплеи из пабликов, т.к. в этом случае вам будет автоматически отказано в воуче. < ES in EAL
i am gonna write about both actually , i played them in this month , balanar's game was played this week .. these games were played in EAL in Rgc, the only league i am in right now .. posted them because for a vouch u need 2 league gamesAlso please write 1 or 2 sentences about the replay, where you played it and why u post it in this request.
Прокомментируйте ваши реплеи. Это сэкономит и вам, и нам очень много времени.
Hope i get vouchedIs there something else you wanna add?
Если вы хотите что-либо добавить, то сейчас самое время.