* Name ( abv. and full name ) : **** iRock
* Where is the team from : Europe
*Is your clan registered somewhere else or irc channel for your clan : #iRock.Dota and #Annie.Dota
*Write a brief text about your Teams DotA history : http://www.dota-league.com/?section=team&id=19706 but here its ont all player ( iRock^Sebcia+gods][Komsha_+Annie]Dare)
*Post at least 2 replays of your clan match, preferably more: when as clan lord come onlline we post replays...Now i dont have it...sry
*Pick-League Division (Dota-League). http://www.dota-league.com/?section=team&id=19706
*Are they aware of the rules and do they agree to them? : yes ofc
*Is there anything else you want to add? Yea we love all you guys
Q-auth , garena ID for all 5 members. Notice us who is the leader :
Q-auth Dare[imba] Garena ID: 2217125 Annie]Dare
Q-auth [-NoNick-] Garena ID: 4167750 [-NoNick-]
Q-auth Sebcia Garena ID: 5587807 iRock^Sebcia
Q-auth Komsha Garena ID: 7918456 gods][Komsha_
Players Alredy Vouch on EEDL:
- -wan-
Players Who need to be Vouch on EEDL: