Personal Info
Your name: I will not give out my real name, but I am known as Zulkarneyn over the net. So you can call me this.
Age: 21
Your country: Denmark
Occupation: University student
Spoken languages: Danish, English, Turkish and German.
Experience, playtimes and general info
Battle.Net Account: Pun1sh9
Former experience and/or safelisted channels: (sig), PGC (PDC and IHL), DCE, Iccup, DP2 (not much).
Your activity and average playtime each week:
It varies alot, but I might be at least online 40 hours a week. But approximately 50-60 hours a week.
How long you have been playing DotA:
I guess about 3 years of experience.
Your ability to communicate with others:
My ability to communicate with others is according to me very good or excellent. As many people knows I like to communicate and help people, and I try to be as kind and fair as possible. And I think I am pretty optimistic and open minded person so generally I don't have any problems with communicating.
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them?
I know all the rules, and I will follow them as well. Rules are made to obey.
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure?
When I am under pressure during the game I like to behave well and not loose my inner personality. I am a person who doesn't like stress and I am by this reason not a very stressful person, so I don't rage at all. In very rare circumstances not wished actions from my side can happen, but this wont happen without a proper reason as well. As I said, under general pressure I will react cool and behave ordinary.
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks)
No, it is a bit of a hirachy as well, and I will listen to my superiors unless they don't cross the limits and rules of PDC itself.
Is there anyone who can vouch for you?
I guess following staff members: Bli5ter]par[, Atlantes, m1G1, Tannenzapfen can vouch for me as well, since they know me very well.
Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional)
Sure, if that is necessary or one of the requirements why not.
Final Thoughts
Why do you want to be an Admin:
I have currently a long summer vacation so I guess I have enough time to spen on IHL and try to help improving it. And I further like the current staff very much, and I like to be a part of it as well, I guess I will love to co-operate with all of them. I have been a staff member before as well for some several months actually, and I believe I did a good job, and I promise that I will do my best once again.
Why should we pick you and what can you offer to us:
I can offer justice as well, I am a person who always acts out of logical explanations. And I feel I will be very competent as a staff member, so I will try to improve the justice which is needed in IHL.
A few things about yourself:
I have studied computer science for a half year and decided to stop it and begin to study Engineering instead.
I like to get in communication with people during the games in warcraft too. My hobbies are; Warcraft (DotA mostly), wacthing movie, listening to music and private stuff.
Additional information:
I don't know which rank you think I am worth, and which rank is currently most needed. I believe I can both administrate, moderate or even be in the management of this league. I hope what ever is most beneficial for both me and this league will happen - Amen
Yours faithfully