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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Aug 2011
    • Posts: 5

    Talking Vouch Request NUZ-.

    1) Personal information(name, age, location, etc.):
    Kelvin 17 Years ,
    Location : Lima - Per�
    Age: 17

    2) Your RGC nickname: NUZ-.

    3) Your DotA history(when did you start, where you have played, etc.)

    I was in a league called gigabyte copa america

    4) Can u play all roles : Carry , Semy Carry , Support ,Ganker/and what role do you prefer the most ?

    Semi Carry - Carry 100%

    5) Why do you want to join CIS League ?

    it is a good room and has a good level and want to have more experience

    6) Are you correctly member of a clan ? If u are, post clan link.

    for now none

    7) Upload 2-3 replays which shows your skill and which are approving with requirements : Please DO NOT POST PUB Replays, we expect for Cw/Ih/League Replays ! NESSAJ -> X-Treme League Onmi -> X-Treme League -> WindRunner -> UG Per� -> Onmi - X-Treme League


  2. #2
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Dec 2010
    • Posts: 39


    league is inactive atm if you have read sticky thread.

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