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  1. #1

    Default Welcome to the thread

    Hi there guys, this is the thread where you can ask any questions about Pendulo Studios and the upcoming Runaway 2. Feel free to ask and I'll try my best.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    So I'm Italian and here runaway was a blockbuster, do you plan an italian version of runaway 2.
    And How long we have to wait for?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Hi Pendulo

    A few questions if you don't mind

    1) What is the meaning of the "The Dream of the Turtle" in the title of the sequel? Does it has some meaningful connection to general storyline?

    2) How many years has gone for Brian and Gina since the end of the first story? By the way, how much money they still have from their heap of green bank-notes (it was $20 mil., if I'm not mistaken)?

    3) If we have pair of heroes in adventure game, then sooner or later we have to control both of them (Broken Sword 2, Fenimore Fillmore's Revenge). With our help Brian did all dirty work in Runaway himself. Will it be the same in Runaway 2 or there will be some changes?

    4) Can you name old friends (and old enemies naturally) from the first game whom we will meet again in Runaway 2? Could you tell something about new characters?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Pavel
    So I'm Italian and here runaway was a blockbuster, do you plan an italian version of runaway 2.
    And How long we have to wait for?
    Hi Pavel, of course you'll have a full Italian verion of Runaway 2. I'm not sure of dates though, maybe summer 2006.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Pido disculpas por que mi ingl�s es muy malo
    I apologize for that my English is very bad

    Buenas tardes
    Good afternoon,

    Gracias a este evento podemos charlar con vosotros, es la �nica manera!
    Thanks to this event we can talk with you, it is the only way! J

    El retraso de salida es s�lo una cuesti�n de marketing o hab�is preferido aplazarlo y ganar algo de tiempo para que el producto sea lo m�s perfecto posible?
    Is the exit delay only a marketing question or have you preferred to postpone it and to win something of time so that the product is the most perfect thing possible?

    Tendremos pronto la oportunidad de ver un video, o tener una demo?
    Will we have the opportunity to see a video soon, or to have a demo?

    Acabar�n George y Gina juntos y fin de la historia o habr� una tercera entrega?
    Will George and Gina end up together and end of the history or will there be a third delivery?

    Finalmente, cu�l es vuestro pr�ximo proyecto?
    Finally, which is your next project?

    Muchas gracias!
    Thank you!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Hi laigwath... the meaning of the Dream of the Turtle does not make much sense before you have played the game, but it will be much clearer once you have gotten deep in the story. I just can't tell more before the game is released. It's not years but just a couple of months since Brian and Gina run away with the money when the game starts, so the money is not a problem at the beginning, they're loaded. That's part of the surprise, but you'll find some unexpected known faces from the first one. Sushi will play a major role in this game.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    There was one thing I hate in Runaway and was that particular object (especially when in bag) was visible only when the game needed. I would prefer to see an object and have the chance to take it if I thinl it will be useful. Is it the same on runaway 2?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Once PR-Manager of dtp Entertainment AG Christopher Kellner told that his company received some letters addressed to Gina and Sushi. Do you receive the same epistles and what do you think about them?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Hello Jon, any delays on the release date are never a marketing thing. Everybody, including the developers, wants to have the game as soon as possible, however it won't hit the shelves until the game achieves the quality it deserves. That is the fairest thing for the players.

    There will be a video in a short while, maybe for Christmas.

    It's you who'll have to discover if Brian and Gina will still be together at the end of the game, and regarding a third part of the game... it's too soon to say, but maybe. It really depends on how good the game does.

    Regarding our next project, I'm afraid is top secret by now. Sorry!!!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulo Studios
    Regarding our next project, I'm afraid is top secret by now. Sorry!!!
    Please at least tell us wether this will be another adventure or something from another genre

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    In Italy the success of runaway was reached also thanks to a very aggressive price 19.95 �, as developer do you have any power for this kind of decision?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Hala! Hala! How are you? ;D

    I've two questions:

    1) Are you maintaining that "road movie" feel of the first Runaway? Judging by the few screenshots it wouldn't seem so, but I'm keeping my hopes up. The style is what I loved the most from the first title!

    2) I once stumbled upon some great looking shots of a deluxe version of Igor - it seemed to have been updated to a DOTT look. Any chance of that seeing the light of day?

    Keep up the great work!!
    Agust�n Cordes<br />Nucleosys Digital Studio<br />

  13. #13

    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Pavel
    There was one thing I hate in Runaway and was that particular object (especially when in bag) was visible only when the game needed. I would prefer to see an object and have the chance to take it if I thinl it will be useful. Is it the same on runaway 2?
    Pavel, I know in certain ocasions you may be right, but there will be others where the story should suggest when the character has to find an object. If not, a whole part of the fun is missing and the player sometimes it's just trying random combinations of items.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    1) I already heard the main (I suppose so) music theme from Runaway 2. Who perform it? Will any other songs be in the game and will they be in the same Backstreet Boys style?

    2) Who is yours favorite Runaway series hero? Gina?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Quote Originally Posted by laigwath
    Once PR-Manager of dtp Entertainment AG Christopher Kellner told that his company received some letters addressed to Gina and Sushi. Do you receive the same epistles and what do you think about them?
    Not to Gina but we still get dozens of emails addressed to Sushi. Some of them are really nice and because of that we decided to give her a major role in this game.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Quote Originally Posted by axelkothe
    Please at least tell us wether this will be another adventure or something from another genre
    Another adventure. A very good one :-)

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulo Studios
    Quote Originally Posted by Pavel
    There was one thing I hate in Runaway and was that particular object (especially when in bag) was visible only when the game needed. I would prefer to see an object and have the chance to take it if I think it will be useful. Is it the same on runaway 2?
    Pavel, I know in certain ocasions you may be right, but there will be others where the story should suggest when the character has to find an object. If not, a whole part of the fun is missing and the player sometimes it's just trying random combinations of items.
    You're right what I mean that I like an approach as in my bag I Have 1, 2 ,3 ,4 things and not i always have known to have 3 items, now I need a mirror and miracle the mirror appears in my bag and I just have to remember to look at it

  18. #18

    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Pavel
    In Italy the success of runaway was reached also thanks to a very aggressive price 19.95 �, as developer do you have any power for this kind of decision?
    Yes and no. I mean that before signing an agreement, you will know the price so if you don't like it you can go and find another publisher. Once you have signed, it should be up to the Publisher to decide the price of the game because they usually know more about their market.

  19. #19
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    thank you for the information, i was waiting for runaway 2 before and now i look forward to play it

  20. #20

    Default Re: Welcome to the thread

    Hi Agustin, welcome to the thread and thanks a lot for your support.

    The road of this sequel is still there though it may be not a regular one to travel by car. When we decided to call Runaway a "road adventure" it was because of the style of story where the characters are unable to stay in the same place a long time, thay just have to run away.

    Those Igor screenshots were taken from a demo we made of a remake of our first game and their style was really cool. However, that project was stopped and there are no plans at the moment to bring it back to life.

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