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    Default Unvouching Procedure

    Unvouch Request Template

    Just got your game ruined and want the DotArank staff to look at the case? Then this is the right place to post your thoughts and request an unvouch.

    To make things easy for everyone we would like you to do two things:

    1. Replay
    If possible, please upload the replay of the game (if it was the last game it is saved as lastreplay.w3g in your Warcraft III/replay folder) to and provide the link like this:

    If there is a problem with dotaparser we don't mind if you just attach the replay to the post or save the replay on any other site (best if it has no bandwidth and innate replay analyser).

    2. Unvouch Request Template
    Requested player name � Remember to write the player name as spelled on the client e.g. SouL]ReQuieM
    If you want to report multiple players from the same game you don't need to make multiple requests, but you do have to clearly list the names and the corresponding reason.

    Reason(s) why he deserves to be unvouched � Explain what he did in game and give us as much detail as possible.

    Reason(s) for unvouch are game ruining, constant flaming or inappropriate use of all and allied chat, intentional feeding, leaving voluntarily, backdooring etc.
    Note that just playing bad (including unintentional feeding) is not a valid unvouch reason for DR.Community games.

    Unvouch request example:

    Requested Player Name: SouL]ReQuieM
    Reason(s) why he deserves to be unvouched: Constant flaming, starting with the picks, even continuing after we warned him to stop it.

    Requests that are not posted using the template or miss essential information will automatically be denied.

    -The DotArank staff
    Last edited by havo; 26-03-2011 at 04:22 PM.

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