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Thread: Warden request

  1. #1
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Default Warden request

    Hello all members of new staff.
    This is my request of warden.

    Personal Info

    Your name: Alexander

    Age: 24

    Your country: Belarus

    Occupation: Student/Work

    Spoken languages: English, russian

    Experience, playtimes and general info

    Battle.Net Account: Luckyman-

    Former experience and/or safelisted channels: DCE,PDC,SIG

    Your activity and average playtime each week: i think about 40-50 hours

    How long you have been playing DotA: 4 years

    Your ability to communicate with others: good

    Have you read the rules and agree to follow them? ofc yes (that is one of the reasons why i wanna help at channel to follow new rules)

    How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? I am calm and always trying to find a way out

    Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks) - NO

    Is there anyone who can vouch for you? I can not exactly say, but perhaps it is k1ca, bli5ter and atlantes

    Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional) I do not have a microphone, but i think it is not a problem.

    Final Thoughts

    Why do you want to be an Admin: I play many games here per day, and i want to do this league more better. I dont want to fight for the good place in staff, i want to be just a warden and help with it access.
    Regards, luckyman-

  2. #2
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Your application is . . .
    You should edit, Seriously
    The Best Counter Strike's Video :
    " Fuck this im just gonna go creep in wood... Aah, peaceful creeping, I can just taste the serenity not a techies in sight " xD

  3. #3
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    Default ..

    yo JULIA, we miss u at pdc, where are u??

    B l i 5 t e R
    Show them no FEAR, show them no PAIN!

  4. #4


    I really can't say other than i don't support this.

    Lucky, you got a nice past of bringing out the words abit rude and faulty. You were also demoted for a valid reason.

  5. #5
    Rank: Apprentice
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    U are not right mate. I wasnt in staff. So i cant be demoted. 1 day i have accepted mod application, but i wasnt promoted to mod, bc someone was abuse, dont remember even who.

  6. #6


    You were a moderator or S Moderator for some time. I don't forget such.

  7. #7
    Rank: Apprentice
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    1) I wasnt mod and s-mod.
    2) Many of new staff was demoted for abuse but they are again in staff, i belive that souwleye improved much in his behaviour and we can both do a good job.
    3) My application was accepted, but i wasnt promoted - as u can check it*Luckyman-*
    I never abuse or be in staff. We have some problems in last with souwleye, but now we are ok and as i said can do much good things.

  8. #8
    Rank: Apprentice
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    yo JULIA, we miss u at pdc, where are u??

    Yo, BliSter, I play on Dota League

    How do you react/behave when you're under pressure? I am calm and always trying to find a way out
    I dont believe it

    LuckyMan, of course You were abusing.
    There a lot way to abuse.
    You insulted this league.
    You did not have any respect to SOME Staff Members and Users of this league.
    You flamed a lot peoples when you were a User and I dont think, You'll change with your pathetic attidude.
    I think, Your application is really bad, you took some minutes for make it, Maybe 3-2 minutes, it shows as you are not serious.
    What ever, Maybe you are already a staff member, I dont know but if You are an admin or moderator, then Good Luck!
    If you are not, so i hope some Staff members will support you, Good Luck =)
    ( This sentence is not sarcastic )
    Have a Good Day
    The Best Counter Strike's Video :
    " Fuck this im just gonna go creep in wood... Aah, peaceful creeping, I can just taste the serenity not a techies in sight " xD

  9. #9
    Rank: Apprentice
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    1) First of all, i wasnt mod, so i cant abuse. Stop lie, or u can find any my mod request which was accepted and i was promoted?
    2) Julia if u are banned at pdc and play only dl - play it and dont talk a bullshit at forum of pdc league.

  10. #10
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luckyman- View Post
    1) First of all, i wasnt mod, so i cant abuse. Stop lie, or u can find any my mod request which was accepted and i was promoted?
    I don't understand you, You are saying, Your application has been accepted and They didn't promote you? I am speaking of ur first application
    ( I think, When you are saying these sentences, You are speaking to me )
    I never said " You were an admin, you abused and u have been demoted "
    I just said, How u acted when you were a user, it is easy to understand..

    Quote Originally Posted by Luckyman- View Post
    2) Julia if u are banned at pdc
    Yeah, I am ban from PDC but If i ask an admin to Unban me, He'll do it ( Because My application of unban request has been accepted even if it was unfair, but What ever )
    When i wanted to be unban, The bot " PDC-Guard " was offline

    Quote Originally Posted by Luckyman- View Post
    and play only dl
    It is true, I played a lot games on Dota league because I don't need to wait 15 minutes or more for start a game but don't think, I am saying PDC > Dota league or Dota League > PDC.
    And on DotaLeague, I am ban 10 days for " ragequit "
    ( Out of topic!! : It is because this game )
    Quote Originally Posted by Luckyman- View Post
    dont talk a bullshit at forum of pdc league.
    Rage sentence ?!?! =)
    I stop
    Quote Originally Posted by Luckyman- View Post
    I am calm and always trying to find a way out
    calm down and try to find a way out!! don't forget ur own sentence !!!
    P.s : I wont offend you but you are not so clever
    Good luck in future lucky man =)
    The Best Counter Strike's Video :
    " Fuck this im just gonna go creep in wood... Aah, peaceful creeping, I can just taste the serenity not a techies in sight " xD

  11. #11
    Rank: Wanderer
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  12. #12
    Rank: Apprentice
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    I don't understand you, You are saying, Your application has been accepted and They didn't promote you? I am speaking of ur first application
    Just open your eyes baby and including the brain and you will see that there are 2 people were also accepted
    , but ntabat which was demoted for abuse promoted them, but my app was accepted by 2 s-admins first. Timeline is simple: 1) My app was accepted, then was accepted apps of next 2 ppl. But Ntabat promoted them bc they are his friends and my app moved into rejected section. Its so easy.

    I never said " You were an admin, you abused and u have been demoted "
    I just said, How u acted when you were a user, it is easy to understand..
    Baby pls stop lie ok? U said this
    LuckyMan, of course You were abusing.
    Just up your beautiful eyes, and read what you have written.

    U are not so clever that play dota instead to engage your women's affairs. Better read a new fashion magazine for the spring \ summer collection of fashion, more good will. And stop pls write in my topic, stop pls to provoke me and start the riots.

  13. #13


    This is the sort of thing that WON'T get your applications accepted - you react to heavily to Julia.

    She is giving you a good constructive criticism of you and why you shouldn't be a warden.


  14. #14
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Quote Originally Posted by InFeCtoR View Post
    This is the sort of thing that WON'T get your applications accepted - you react to heavily to Julia.

    She is giving you a good constructive criticism of you and why you shouldn't be a warden.

    I am not Cool?!
    Maybe i need to write " !support " to be cool
    Ok, !Support Luckyman!
    I am cool, Yeah!! =)
    But I think, If i want be more cool i should to delete my post..
    LuckyMan do you want, I delete my posts?

    Okay, Okay, I stop

    GooD NiGht Every One
    Last edited by Julia; 09-04-2010 at 12:26 AM. Reason: Because LuckyMan is rus!
    The Best Counter Strike's Video :
    " Fuck this im just gonna go creep in wood... Aah, peaceful creeping, I can just taste the serenity not a techies in sight " xD

  15. #15
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    I love u Julia.

  16. #16
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Only played few games with you and i didn't see much flame but it seems you got some history with some of the staff. so for me neutral

  17. #17
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    No need to post here. We can close it.

  18. #18


    Why should we close it? I dont know exactly who is this guy , but come on... its a game and every must have his chance to be trial mod once ... or twice ... we could promote him for 1 week i don't see where is the problem =/. Many people in channel were flaming as long as they were users/captains , even me.

  19. #19
    Rank: Apprentice
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    Tnx mate NrGs.F[u]RyOwnS

    But i ask to close it bc i have been promoted already.

  20. #20
    Rank: Enthusiast
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    First of all, raa is in the charge of the moderators and not wardens thus shouldnt just promote you without leaving a comment.

    However, I think you really want to contribute. So i'll leave you be warden for now.

    Congrats SouwlEye !

    ~Random someone.

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