Multiplayer Overview

Call of Duty 2 contains five multiplayer modes, each with their own distinct goals and gameplay styles. Here's a brief look at all four:
This is basically every-man-for-himself deathmatch. No teams, no special goals, just a battlefield of chaos as everyone fights each other. It may not be realistic, but it sure is fun.
Team Deathmatch
A somewhat more realistic play style, Team Match pits the Allies against the Axis in a large deathmatch contest. The team with the most frags wins.
Capture the Flag
Similar to the Day of Defeat style of play. Whichever team captures the most flags before the round is over, wins.
In this mode there are two different points on the map designated as capture points for each team. In order to score points a team must control and ��setup�� headquarters at one of these capture points. Once they have done that, they must defend that headquarters. The longer they can keep the headquarters from being taken, the more points they get. The interesting twist is that if you die while on the defending team, you are not allowed to respawn until your headquarters is taken over by the other team, while the attacking team still gets to respawn. This means that as you defend your headquarters, you have less team mates to help you as they slowly get killed. Always a pain being the last defender alive. Once taken over, the capture points are changed to new locations and it starts all over again. This is a very fun mode to play and is always changing.
Search & Destroy
On all the default multiplayer maps except for "Pavlov," it's the Allied forces attempting to search out and destroy a specific target, usually a gun emplacement. These maps typically have two potential targets for the Allied forces, so the Axis cannot simply camp out the one target and wait -- the Allied forces win if they destroy either target. The Axis win a round by killing the entire Allied team, by defusing a planted bomb, or by letting the timer run out.

Creating a Server

If you want to use your computer as a server, click on Start New Server from the Multiplayer main menu. From here, you'll be able to select the map you want the server to run and other server option.

Server Settings

Game Type: Choose from Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Headquarters, and Search & Destroy.
Server Name: This is the name of the server as it appears in the Join Server browser.
Dedicated: No - Start a local server and local client. LAN - Start a Local Area Network-dedicated server [no local client]. Internet - Start a dedicated server that can be seen on the Internet through the master server.
Pure: Enable this option to restrict players with modified game files from joining the server.
Maximum Players: Set the maximum number of players on the server at one time.
Minimum Ping: Set the minimum ping allowed per player. Setting this to 0 means no limit on ping time.
Maximum Ping:
Set the maximum ping allowed per player. Setting this to 0 means no limit on ping time.
Voice Chat: Enables or disables voice chat functionality. When enabled, players can talk to each other by holding the Voice Chat key (deafault: Z key). Team games use team-only chatting.
Password: Enter a password to restrict players from joining unless they know the password. Passwords are case sensitive.

Game Type Settings

Score Limit (player points):
Set the number of kills needed to win.
Score Limit (team points): Set the number of team points needed to win.
Time Limit (minutes): Set the time limit for the map in minutes.
Round Limit (rounds): Set the round limit for the map.
Round Length (minutes):
Set the time limit for each round in minutes.
Grace Period (seconds): Set the amount of time allowed at the beginning of each round for players to switch teams and still be allowed to play for that round.

Capture Limit:
Sets the number of flag captures a team must accomplish to win the round.
Friendly Indicators: Enable this option to add an icon over the head of teammates.
Friendly Fire: Enable this option to allow teammates to hurt and even kill one another. There are four settings: On, Off, Reflect (when a player shoots a teammate, the damage the teammate would have taken is reflected back onto the player who shot the teammate) and Shared (the damage is shared between the teammate shooting and the teammate being shot).
Force Respawning: Enable this optino to force players to respawn after dying.
Killcam: Disable this option to turn off the Killcam, which shows who killed dead players.
Allow Voting: Enable this option to allow players to use the in-game voting system to change server options such as map and game type.
Auto-Balance Teams: Enable this option to automatically maintain an even number of players on each team.
Allw Enemy Spectating: Enable this optino to allow dead players to spectate players on the opposing team.
Allow Free Spectating: Enable this option to allow spectators to freely roam the map.