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  1. #1
    Rank: Head Peon
    • Join Date: Oct 2009
    • Posts: 3,273

    Default IRC: UDL-Bot Commands

    To obtain access to the bot you have to do the following:
    1. Obtain a Q-AUTH. If you don't know how, ask!
    2. Request for your AUTH to be added to the bot by one of the admins.

    To use staff-level commands or above you need to do the following:
    1. AUTH yourself to Q.
    2. Change your host into * You can do this using the command //mode $me +x - You can check if it is alright using the command //whois $me - The bot also gives you voice (+v) if it recognises you.

    • You can give commands in the channel (where the results will be shown to everybody) or by privately querying the bot (where the results will only be shown to yourself).
    • There is a 5 second lag for non-staff members after each command so that the bot doesn't get flooded.
    • If you get a DB Error that means there is a problem with the Database and something went wrong with your query. Wait a little while before trying again and if the problem persists please report it to me (K[a]ne).



    !stats nick : Same as !stats of the hostbots but also shows the dates of the player's first and last game as well as his minimun stay rate (pretty useless actually - will be removed).

    !statsdota nick : Same as !statsdota of the hostbots.

    !statsadmin nick : Gives statistics about one of the admins (including number of bans and games created).

    !leaves nick : Retrieves all the games for which the player has less than 90% stay rate (ie. left/dropped before 90% of the game's total duration) and shows the reasons for his drops and the average stay rate (ASR) for each reason.
    Eg. EConnReset: 2 (ASR:25.91%) means that the player dropped with ECONNRESET in 2 games at an average time point of 26% of the total game duration.

    !checkadmin nick : Same as !checkadmin of the hostbots.

    !checkban nick : Same as !checkban of the hostbots.

    !checkip ip : Shows all the nicks that have used this IP since the bot was setup.

    !checkip nick : Takes the last IP of the given player and shows the names of any other player(s) that have been recorded to have used this IP (either because they are in a LAN or because they are the same person).

    !checkiptoday ?? : Same as checkip but only checks today's IPs.

    !getips nick : Shows all the IPs a player has used in the last month.

    !lastgame nick : Shows information about the last game of the given player.

    !getgame gamename [N] : Shows information about a particular game name.
    |15:17:41| �+K[a]ne� .getgame AP21755
    |15:17:42| �@DA-BOT� -> [Eleos]: Gn:[AP21755] by:[DA-SHEPHERD](DA-SHEPHERD) Date:[2011-01-11 16:18:29] Bot:[2] Duration:[08:35] Players:ksaplostras(S)(08:35-Other). nauagio(S)(08:35-Other). master_tsou(08:35-Other). beelz3bub.(S)(08:35-Other). r1ddl3(S)(08:35-Other). ggnorenoob(
    |15:17:43| �@DA-BOT� -> 08:00-Voluntary). one)efaga.ban(08:35-Other). katestramen0s(08:35-Other). o_tsiliadoros(08:35-Other). inhumanity(S)(08:35-Other).
    So it shows us information about the game, which players were on it, when they left/dropped and why. (S) means they were spoofchecked and (R) means their slots were reserved (using !hold).
    If there are more than one games with the same game name, the command retrieves the last one. If you want to check previous games with the same name you need to use the third parameter to select the number of the game starting from zero being the latest game.
    !getgame AP210 0 shows the latest game with name AP210
    !getgame AP210 1 shows the one before the last one etc...

    !games nick 2011-??-?? : Shows the game names of the games a player has played on a particular date. If you omit the date it will return today's games.

    !gamestoday : Shows how many games have been played today (since midnight) on each bot and in total.

    !gamesyesterday : Shows how many games were played yesterday (midnight to midnight) on each bot and in total.

    !gamesmonth : Shows how many games have been played this month on each bot and in total.

    !playerstoday : Shows how many unique player names have played in the bots today (since midnight).

    !playersyesterday : Shows how many unique player names played in the bots yesterday (midnight to midnight).

    !topplayers : Shows the top 15 of the players with the most games.

    !topadmins : Shows the top 20 of the admins with the most games created.

    !topbans : Shows the top 10 of the admins with the most bans.

    !creeps : Shows how many creeps, neutrals and couriers have been killed in total in all the games.

    !countadmins : If you ask me what this does I'm gonna kill myself. Or perhaps I will kill you first, THEN kill myself.

    !time : Gives the bot's time and the DB's time and their difference.

    !addadmin nick : Obvious command is obvious.

    !deladmin nick : Obvious command is obvious. You can deladmin multiple accounts in one command if you separate their names by comma (,).

    !swapadmin nick1 nick2 : Deletes admin rights from nick1 and adds them to nick2. Fails with the appropriate message if nick1 is not an admin.

    !unban nick : Obvious command is obvious. You can unban multiple accounts in one command if you separate their names by comma (,).

    !ban nick reason : For this command to work you must put a reason to your ban. The ban appears to have been added by YOURAUTH@IRC. You can ban multiple accounts with the same reason in one command if you separate their names by comma (,).

    If you have any questions, problems or suggestions feel free to contact me.

    There is also a !getgames command which will be available soon.


    These are just preset access levels that may change.

    * = Only in #udl.admins or through private query.


    UDL Staff (g)
    All of the above, plus:
    !leaves *
    !checkip *
    !checkiptoday *
    !getips *
    !lastgame *
    !getgame *
    !topadmins *
    !countadmins *

    Unban captains (C)
    All of the above, plus:

    Admin abuse captains (D)
    All of the above, plus:

    UDL Admins (B)
    All of the above, plus:

    I apologise in advance if this post is not kept up to date properly after minor changes.
    Feel free to let me know if any of this information is inaccurate.
    Last edited by greekshadow; 12-03-2011 at 01:06 AM.

    Quote της χρονιάς 2013:
    ( Click to show/hide )

    (Σε admin abuse report για "άκυρο ban για mh".)
    Quote Originally Posted by pondering View Post
    Pantws fyi to mh htan kleisto apo thn stigmh pou to eides kai meta. To exw mono kai mono otan eimai apolyta sigouros oti kapoios paizei me mh kai mono tote to anoigw opote min dikaiologeis ton eauto sou oti exases logw autou. Ta leme se kapoio allo game pou tha xaseis apo mena.

  2. #2
    Rank: Head Peon
    • Join Date: Oct 2009
    • Posts: 3,273


    Be careful when using commands without arguments. They use your IRC nickname as the first argument. This, however, does not necessarily match your Battle.Net name.

    �@K[a]ne[away]� !checkadmin
    �@UDL-Bot� -> [UDL]: [K[a]ne[away]] is NOT an admin, just a noob! (0.09s)

    �@K[a]ne[away]� !checkadmin K[a]ne
    �@UDL-Bot� -> [UDL]: [K[a]ne] is an admin! (0.09s)

    Quote της χρονιάς 2013:
    ( Click to show/hide )

    (Σε admin abuse report για "άκυρο ban για mh".)
    Quote Originally Posted by pondering View Post
    Pantws fyi to mh htan kleisto apo thn stigmh pou to eides kai meta. To exw mono kai mono otan eimai apolyta sigouros oti kapoios paizei me mh kai mono tote to anoigw opote min dikaiologeis ton eauto sou oti exases logw autou. Ta leme se kapoio allo game pou tha xaseis apo mena.

  3. #3


    Nice work.
    If you are neutral in situations of injustice,you have chosen the side of the oppressor.

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