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  1. #1
    Rank: Squire
    • Join Date: Apr 2010
    • Posts: 109

    Default Make iHL like EEDL ?

    Why don�t you make an invite system to iHL instead of vouch request ? imo it�ll be much better than these greeks from PDC you vouch to iHL -.-
    Hello ^_^

  2. #2
    Rank: Enthusiast
    • Join Date: Oct 2010
    • Posts: 169


    Quote Originally Posted by Megabyte]ME View Post
    Why don�t you make an invite system to iHL instead of vouch request ? imo it�ll be much better than these greeks from PDC you vouch to iHL -.-
    And invite who ? if the admins dont know anyone or you think the high skill players will come here and play in this league dont think so

    oftopic:i'am greek

  3. #3
    Rank: Squire
    • Join Date: Apr 2010
    • Posts: 109


    [QUOTE=oftopic:i'am greek[/QUOTE]

    o rly?
    Hello ^_^

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