Hey, I've been wondering what's up with Daniel's book? Last I heard he was in the process of editing it. As a fan of his writing on KQ2VGA, I am interested to know.
Hey, I've been wondering what's up with Daniel's book? Last I heard he was in the process of editing it. As a fan of his writing on KQ2VGA, I am interested to know.
Mr. Smoozles comic<br />Astronaut Elementary comic (the other AE )
I hope so, especially from playing KQ2VGA, and even more so now after hearing that witty dialogue in the Al Emmo audio teaser! I have listened to that 3 times now, and each time I get something new. Al Emmo seems to be making great strides toward replayability between the spontaneous soundtrack and pun laden script.
Mr. Smoozles comic<br />Astronaut Elementary comic (the other AE )
True dat. We've taken great care to please the hotspot junkies out there. There's an average number of 10 hotspots per screen and all have (usually witty) replies from the narrator, depending on whether you click LOOK, INTERACT or TALK on them. You can also show every item to every NPC and get a unique reaction.
*Faints*.... the perfect game!!Originally Posted by Stijn
~ AGDInteractive Moderator