Before you guys read anything, I would request me changing back to my former and more known naem: cQ.eaZ. That way more people will reconize me.
Personal Info
Your name: Peter Sloth-Odgaard
Age: 17
Your country: Denmark
Occupation: Full-time student
Spoken languages: Danish, English, German and Italian(VERY basic)
Experience, playtimes and general info
I've played dota roughly for about 3 years. Started at garena, went to dota-league. I spend 6month on clanwars etc, then I started playing inhouse leagues. I would roughly say that I am decently skilled and I know all the things that there is about dota, maybe not on the bug exploit-side, but in general. I have alot of sparetime and I'm short on money at the moment, which means that parties is limited Homework is also on a low level which means that I have roughly 4-5 hours to gaming pr. day. Mostly more.
Battle.Net Account:
Exot1c. but want cQ.eaZ
Former experience and/or safelisted channels:
Dota.gc / dota.pride.2 / GameBend / Clan PDC / Clan IHL / / Nihl.exp
Your activity and average playtime each week:
5 hours per average weekday, 5-10 hours at weekends, depends.
Your ability to communicate with others:
My english is pretty decent, and I am used to have conversations on english. I can be umannered if people act badly towards me, but I'm simply a human being. I can communicate with people, but noticed that being a staff member at pdc in the old days didn't provide any further respect. In order for me to have a good conversation there must be some sort of respect present between the individuels, if someone flames me I flame him simple as that. But I don't take flaming personal really, so I don't really give a shit about this certain point.
Have you read the rules and agree to follow them?
No? tt, of course I have read the rules. Not like they have changed much since isolegacys last changes.
How do you react/behave when you're under pressure?
I believe that I pretty much covered this question in a former answer.
Do you have any problems in listening/following your superior's orders? (according to ranks)
I will follow my superiors, and well if I don't the consequence will probably be a demote. It happens at pdc that some superiors start abusing and acting shitty, blister has been a good example. Of course I won't listen to him then
Is there anyone who can vouch for you?
Well dunno really, there's alot of people @ pdc. Some of them hate me some of them don't.
Willing to discuss your application on Ventrilo?(optional)
I don't mind discussing and debating on ventrilo, you will find me at Dota-pride's vt all the time.
Final Thoughts
Why do you want to be an Admin:
I believe I can bring some innovative suggestions to the PDC community. I also want to make pdc a more quality place, that means my stand-out case would be getting rid of the non-pdc material people. By that I mean people who doesn't know their roles, people who doesn't listen to their captains and simply people who suck beyond any recognition.
A few things about yourself:
I've been around for quite some time, atleast at the pdc-community. I think that the staff people already have a good idea of who I am, and what I stand for.
A.K.A Exot1c.
My past as Multiaccounter has ended, souwleyes warnings made sure of that