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Thread: vq iloveoov

  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Aug 2012
    • Posts: 1

    Default vq iloveoov

    -Your RGC nickname:iloveoov^_^

    -Personal information (name, age, location, etc):My name is Tomislav 19 years old, from croatia Na�ice near osijek going to the college

    -Your Dota & Dota2 history (when did you start, where you have played, do u have a clan - link, etc.) .I start dota war 3 3 years ago .. i played in edl, i played for many clans like its Elite, eyez, on old dota league 2-3 division all the time , i have my own clan with friends atm we are training every day

    -Do you know how to use MIRC and Teamspeak (version 3)?yes i know both

    -Do you have a microphone?yes

    -Whats your stats? If you dont know how to get them please go to here it is

    -What is your steam account on steam community? Link it.

    -Screenshot of the heroes you played and your performance:
    i can play every hero and every role except invoker my skill is ms+ hs have much expirience in dota gaming

    -Do you know anyone in ED2L who could support your req.? If yes, name them. ninjainpyjamas

    -Is there something else you wanna add?

  2. #2
    Rank: Devotee
    • Join Date: Feb 2012
    • Posts: 274



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