what's the system about?any new rules? i got 3 day bann from the system with reason : high dic% ,but i got 3% totally....
what's the system about?any new rules? i got 3 day bann from the system with reason : high dic% ,but i got 3% totally....
The bot counts, your total leave, afk, disc in the last 20 games. And bans you. So yea, your disc is 3%, but you left or afked 4+ games, in the last 20. So you got a ban. Give us your username?
PHP Code:
abstract class Ignorance extends Stupidity implements Unavoidable {
public static $humiliation;
private function __construct(){
left 1 hour bann time,nvm .
but my friend has same problem ,can u unbann him ,plz?
i think it helps rgc to reduce the number of leavers.and it's a big update,where can i find details about the autobann system?
Last edited by hangper; 30-03-2013 at 01:28 PM.
BitchGotRaped: !baninfo salieso.s
Cannot baninfo a non-existent user.
The username salieso.s does not exist, kindly please provide us with the correct username.
The issue is closed
!Closed .
IF you want to ask anything relate of RGC /w SkilLFuL . Don't pm for ranks or you will be ignored , thank you for understanding