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Thread: Known bugs

  1. #1
    Rank: RGC Leader
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    Default Known bugs

    * [Bug only in the new patch] : When you click a username in the chat the user isn't selected in the list anymore, the fix to this should be quite easy.

    * Chat: When the message below a link is clicked, the link is opened anyway. The url parsing and click recognition is highly experimental because there's no API to support it, so this function is error prone and it will be fixed eventually when I get the time to take a look at it.
    Status: on hold

    *Admincenter: The observer's name isn't shown in the chatlogs and all messages by the observer will show as a message with no name.
    Status: on hold
    Fix: Not sure, didn't have time yet to think about it. As the observer isn't scored, there is no reason to keep him in the player's database, it would mess up some game stats and it just wouldn't be good practice. I could change the way the observer messages are saved in the DB and include the observer's name in the first chat message. Again that wouldn't be a perfect solution but it would work.

    *Reconnect: Not working properly in some cases. In some very rare cases even desyncing or disconnecting other players in the game.
    Status: unknown
    Fix: none (dont disconnect)

    *Patcher: The patcher (and client (?)) don't work with proxies.
    Status: unknown - haven't started working on this yet
    Fix: None

    - RGC Crash when clicking on the drop button while trying to reconnect ingame.

    *Patcher: Patcher unable to complete download progress for some files.
    Status: Fixed in the next patch
    Fix: A better way to download those files.

    *RGC Crash: There is a very rare crash bug. RGC is supposed to be 100% crashfree, which is one of the things that makes it an excellent piece of software. However there seems to be a rare bug that happens when you switch from one channel to another via mouseclicks on the UI. It has happened to me three times now over the course of a year. I haven't been able yet to catch this bug in the logfiles, as it's a low priority issue, it happens only when you are in the chat so it won't ruin anyone's game experience, and it doesn't happen often enough (once every 4 months) to be ruining anyone's chat experience either.
    Status: Fixed in the next patch

    Sir Rogers
    Last edited by Sir Rogers; 03-08-2011 at 11:53 PM.
    "I am just another lost soul, locked inside a box, looking for a key."

    Please do not write me visitor messages or private messages on the forums, I do not have the time to check the at this point in time. I will reply on RGC if I have time, but sometime I am online but not present.

    You can always use our Support Room: /j support

  2. #2


    the Gproxy is working fine for me..

  3. #3
    Rank: Superior Deity
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    Default a little help here

    i tryied to join rgc today(morning) ...i pressed rgc wrote to me ranked gaming and below connect... i pushed connect several times but nothing...and yesterday i played normally... help me pls what can it be?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by VIP.SWTOS View Post
    i tryied to join rgc today(morning) ...i pressed rgc wrote to me ranked gaming and below connect... i pushed connect several times but nothing...and yesterday i played normally... help me pls what can it be?
    I got the same bug for two days in a row will this be fixed any time soon ? -,-

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheEspada View Post
    I got the same bug for two days in a row will this be fixed any time soon ? -,-
    That is not a bug. Since I added the Asian bots, the chatserver is being DDoS'd every morning around the same time. There's nothing I can do about that right now, but I'll try to find a solution asap.

    Sir Rogers
    "I am just another lost soul, locked inside a box, looking for a key."

    Please do not write me visitor messages or private messages on the forums, I do not have the time to check the at this point in time. I will reply on RGC if I have time, but sometime I am online but not present.

    You can always use our Support Room: /j support

  6. #6

    Default Known bugs

    cant type in CHAT if using EQW not the chat window but CHAT

  7. #7
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    I have a big problem : i can't connect to RGC for one week because when i clock on connect, nothing happens. I hope someone will have a solution

  8. #8
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Roger, when you finish the patcher problem you'd better start working on the reconnect system, which is and obvious and considerable problem and should be fixed asap

  9. #9
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    Please refer to this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Rogers View Post
    Anyway we're drifting away from the point. I'm aware of the fact htat they may happen, the reconnection induced desyncs will be fixed in the future, a revamp of the reconnection system is on my todo lis

    Sir Rogers
    I hope I've helped clarify it
    Last edited by Aline!; 12-03-2012 at 06:55 PM.
    Best regards, Pandora

    I love MapHackers !

    Thank you to all my fans. <3

    Quote Originally Posted by minus_arem View Post
    In memory of Sir Rogers :'(

    Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things we can go through.

    No words can express what I am feeling right now and I'm sure only time can help me accept the fact that Rogers has left us.

    He showed strength until the end and always had some enlightening words for us.
    Let's be happy that he has finally gone home to our creator.

  10. #10
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    Thumbs down

    why every time i patch said "failed to patch 1/6/rgcp.exe no found" why?? i download all the latest patches clients i try but nothing happens?!!

  11. #11
    Rank: PQG Staff
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    Did you download this version?
    Run rgcp.exe as an Administrator.

  12. #12
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    I'm here to report this bug on rgc.

    I've sent a reply of the game. I am playing with Pinoys so we are speaking tagalog.

    In this game, it seems that I am not playing with the other players but I can communicate with them via chat even though they seemed to be playing another game. It is hard to explain but once you watched the reply you will see what I mean and maybe you can found out what the bug is.

    Sorry for the poor grammar.

    Please take a look in to it.

    Thank you.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  13. #13
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    AS you report i can say that its a know bugs named "Desync"
    "Desync'" means the synchronization didn't work correctly.
    Check here. for more info

  14. #14
    Rank: Apprentice
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    what i must do with this problem!!?
    It's happen when i start the patcher maunally
    Last edited by viOleNt; 14-04-2013 at 12:51 AM.
    Best regard

  15. #15
    Rank: Disciple
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    Sir rogerss i was playing -wtf mode
    the game was very bugsed and before the end of the game
    its seem like
    fatalerror: plz contact @[email protected]
    fatalerror: plz contact @[email protected]
    fatalerror: plz contact @[email protected]
    fatalerror: plz contact @[email protected]
    if u want i had the replay????

  16. #16


    Most of the gamers from India playing on RGC have BSNL ISP, and after the last maintenance are unable to see/join games. It is some net problem but it wasn't happening before the maintenance. So there must be something wrong with the fix-up of maintenance. Please look into this asap.

  17. #17
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    Some players (e.g. me, ) cannot connect for about 2 days now, tried reinstalling the game client but aint no change.
    After clicking "Connect" the window of maintenance/server overload appears.

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