Q-Auth: marcopolo
Garena name: ma1c0_p0l0
Garena UID: 64746747
* Where are you from?
* How old are you?
Im 21.
* Tell us a bit about yourself.
Im student at university. Playing dota since 2007 year.
* Write a brief text about your DotA history (former clans, inhouse leagues, tournaments, etc)
I always play with my friends at cafes. I played eurobattle server two years.
* Post at least 2 replays, preferably more, one support, and the other you may chose yourself.
http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/312215 (marco.polo, magina)
http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/312216 (marco.polo, furion)
http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/312218 (marco.polo, naix)
http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/312219 (marco.polo, tiny)
* Can you play all roles in Dota? (Carry/Gank/support/ect, We don't ask for perfection in every playstyle)
Yes, i can play all of them.
* Do you know how to use Garena, IRC and Ventrilo (version 3)?
* Do you have a microphone?
* Are you aware of the rules and do you agree to them?
* Which name do you want registered on the bot?
* Do you know any MGN members? If yes, please list them.
* Is there anything else you want to add?
Thank you for your attention.