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You get better games, because: people actually form a team. They get 1-2 carries / semi-carries, a tank, and 1 or 2 support. It doesnt matter which they play, the exp is always the same if they win. On div, it's rare to see someone play a support hero properly. And by properly, I mean actually supporting. So that means not taking kills, buyinh wards/dust, getting meka maybe, etc. Why don't people do this? Well I'll tell you, because it gives you way too low exp. I never do it, because getting a carry gives me more exp. So often I see teams with only agility and strength heroes. For instance yesterday, I had a team with mort, naix, riki, bara and veno. Well, super fun.... Is my point clear, and how do you guys think its fun to play 5vs5 carry games?