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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Sep 2010
    • Posts: 2

    Default Banned on IRC channel #eedl.dota

    Can someone please explain why I got banned on the IRC channel, about 10 minutes after I joined for the first time?
    This happened yesterday evening. Trying to join today, I still got the ban.

    Nickname: UIID
    UIID is [email protected]

  2. #2
    Rank: Wanderer
    • Join Date: Jun 2010
    • Posts: 29


    Quote Originally Posted by UIID View Post
    Can someone please explain why I got banned on the IRC channel, about 10 minutes after I joined for the first time?
    This happened yesterday evening. Trying to join today, I still got the ban.

    Nickname: UIID
    UIID is [email protected]

    Caz you are not even vouched ?

    [17:36] * EEDL-INFO Player UIID is not found

  3. #3
    Rank: Rookie
    • Join Date: Sep 2010
    • Posts: 2


    Had no idea you had to be vouched to join the irc channel.
    Well, nvm then!

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