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  1. #1
    Rank: Devotee
    • Join Date: Dec 2009
    • Posts: 291

    Default --> [PDC Command List] For Captain's and below.

    --> Rank: [User] Access: 0 <--

    .Help [Whispers 3 lines of helpful information on the caller]

    .Send [Sends a mail to a target user, the target user can read the mail whenever he wants]
    Usage - [.Send Prince.Zero Hey man, when will you be available for a game?]

    .Inbox [Shows how many new and old mails you got in your mail box]

    .Readnew [Lists all the new mails in your inbox with their ID]

    .Readold [Lists all the old read mails in your inbox with their ID]

    .Read [Shows a target mail from a user]
    Usage - [.Read 22] <Will read the mail #22 , after it's read, the mail will be flagged as OLD>

    .Delmail [Deletes a target mail]
    Usage [.Delmail 22] <Will delete the mail #22>

    .Restoremail [Restores a deleted mail and flags it as OLD Mail]
    Usage [.Restoremail 22] <Requires the ID to restore, so it's adviced to jot the ID's of important mails before deleting>

    .Site [Displayes the site name and ventrilo of your league/community]

    .Needsub [Declare a target user as no-show in your game until a new user volunteers as a substitute for it]
    Usage - [.Needsub Prince.Zero]

    .Addme [Add yourself as a possible substitute for the no-show player]

    .Sublist [Lists all the current available substitutes that volunteered for your game]

    .Switch [Replace the no-show player with a possible substitute that volunteered]
    Usage - [.Switch Prince.Zero] <NOTE: You can use wildcards here --> -Switch zero will switch with Prince.Zero>

    .Recentgames [Shows all the recent games a target user has played]
    Usage - [.Recentgames Prince.Zero ] [.Recentgames <will show for your self>]

    .Where [Shows your/target user current league state, Playing in game, Signed in Game, Not playing or Banned]
    Usage - [.Where Prince.Zero] [.Where]

    .Compare [Compares the score(wins/losses) against a or two target user(s)]
    Usage [.Compare Prince.Zero Lego-] [.Compare Prince.Zero]

    .Stats [Displayes all your current league score info such as Wins/Losses/Experience]
    Usage - [.stats Prince.Zero] [.stats]

    .Whoami [Displayes your current personal info on the League/Community]

    .Whois [Displayes the current personal info of a target user on the League/Community]
    Usage [.whois Prince.Zero]

    .Version [Displayes the script's current version]

    .Edit [Edits your personal information such as Age/Sex/Location]
    Usage [.Edit Age 22] [-Edit Location Unknown] [-Edit Sex Male]

    .Staff [Lists all the current staff members]

    .Start [Starts a new standard game in the channel]
    Usage [.Start SD <will also automatically change the game mode to SD]

    .Extend [Extends the time out time. You must be the Game host to use this command, or have at least 30 Access]

    .Mode [Changes the game mode to a desired mode. You must be the Game host to use this command, or have at least 30 Access]
    Usage [.Mode ARDM 35 Lives]

    .Bans [Adds bans (hero or items or restrictions) to your game. You must be the Game host to use this command, or have at least 30 Access]
    Usage [.Bans Bristle, Maiden, 3 BKB] [-Bans <Shows the current bans>]

    .Fixme [Just in case your state is troubling you and you can't sign, Rare but always keeping such a command]

    .Sign [Adds you in the player queue if someone started a game.]

    .Out [Signs you out of the game you signed]

    .Forbid [Adds a temporarily restriction to a target player from joining your game, and if he is in, he is kicked from it,
    You must be the game host of the game to use this command]
    Usage [.Forbid Prince.Zero]

    .Abort [Cancels the game you started. You mus tbe the Game host or have at least 30 Access to use this command]

    .Pool [Lists all the players that have signed in your game]

    .Games [Lists all the open and in progress games]

    .Sorting [Changes the team sorting mode]
    Usage [.Sorting 1 <Will give a top rated player to each time> .Sorting 2 <Will sort teams by experience {Default}> .Sorting 3 <Will sort teams by Win Ratio> .Sorting 4 <Will sort teams like old school iHL>]

    .Confirm [Confirms the game as long as it has 10 players in the player queue. Afterwards the game will be auto-hosted.]

    .Info [Displayes information on a target game]
    Usage [.Info GC22]
    .Teams [Displayes the Teams of your game
    Sentinel: player1, player2, player3, player4, player5 | Scourge: Player6 etc...]

    .End Vote for a result to your game
    Usage [.End 1 or .End Sentinel] [.End 2 or .End Scourge] [.End Draw]

    .Lastgame [Shows your last game or the last game of a target user]
    Usage [.Lastgame] [.Lastgame Prince.Zero]

    .Truant [Vote to declare a target user for truancy]
    Usage [.Truant Prince.Zero]

    .Drop [Vote to declare a target user for disconnecting and excluding him from the game]
    Usage [.Drop Prince.Zero]

    .Leaver [Vote to declare a target user for leaving your game]
    Usage [.Leaver Prince.Zero]

    .MVP [Vote to declare a target user the most valuable player of your game]
    Usage [.MVP Prince.Zero]

    .Top [Lists the top rated users in the League/Community]
    Usage [.Top] [.top 5 or .top #]

    .Bottom [Lists the lowest rated users in the League/Community]
    Usage [.Bottom] [.Bottom 5 or .bottom #]

    --> Rank: [Captain] Access: 10 <-- � Note: Captains can use all the user's commands

    .Challenge [Challenges a target captain or above rank into a captain's match, You can pick players to your team from the player queue here in a 1-2-2-2-2-1 draft]
    Usage [.Challenge Prince.Zero <you can also use wildcards: .chall zero>]

    .Accept [Accepts the challenge issued to you and allows sign ups]

    .Reject [Rejects the challenge issued to you]

    .Pick [Picks a player that is in the player pool into your team]

    .Listteams [Lists the Sentinel and Scourge players that have been picked]

    List by
    Edited by Drizzim
    Last edited by Lagoon; 14-04-2010 at 12:01 PM.

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