* Name ( abv. and full name ) : DTN, Dream Team Norway
* Where is the team from : Norway
* Is your clan registered somewhere else or irc channel for your clan : #ihl.no
* Write a brief text about your Teams DotA history : The team is just a couple of days old, but we have been playing together in inhouses and fw's the last 3 years.
Former members of XpreZ.dota, and Sjokomelk.dota
* Post at least 2 replays of your clan match, preferably more :
DTN vs Blairo..w3g DTN vs Blairo
LastReplay..w3g DTN vs Ohne Witze
LastReplay..w3g DTN vs SKZI
LastReplay..w3g DTN vs Aftermath.dota
* Pick-League Division (Dota-League) :
Not registered Yet
* Gosugamer Clan Rank :
No official matches yet
* Are they aware of the rules and do they agree to them? :
* Is there anything else you want to add? :
We are considered as the best players in Norway
* Q-auth , garena ID for all 5 members. Notice us who is the leader :
Players Already Vouched on EEDL:
LokeLok (Auth : LokeLok) (ID: 4203333)
Saloig (Auth : Saloig) (ID: 1808464)
Hjort (Auth : eivind2k) (ID: 2530879)
Players Who need to be Vouched on EEDL:
Vibah (Auth : varial-viper) (ID: 1853200)
Amantino (Auth : Amantino) (ID: 2651327)
Leader = lokelok/vibah