Patch 1.0.5 is currently in development and now available for testing on the PTR. This patch introduces Monster Power, a new system which will allow you to adjust how challenging monsters are across each difficulty, and the Infernal Machine, an event that will pit players in Inferno against "uber" versions of some of Sanctuary's most nefarious bosses. Patch 1.0.5 also includes several bug fixes, UI improvements, and additional class and item balancing.

PTRs are a very valuable tool for our development teams -- when you participate, share your feedback, and submit reports, we can squash more bugs and ensure that the patch we release is of the highest quality possible. Patch 1.0.5 will mark the first time we've performed a public test for Diablo III, but we�re planning to conduct public tests for most (if not all) future patches.

For more information, please visit: