Do you remember a time when games came in fantastic illustrated boxes, chock full of treasures like creative manuals, maps of exotic lands, and even eye glasses that could transform a common man into an alien? Can you remember a time when you explored imaginative, hand-painted 2D backgrounds, offering a magical experience where you could get lost in a world of fantasy that was completely different than your �real life�? Remember a time when you could connect with a gaming world by looking at every object, speaking with every character, and getting a response for every interaction imaginable? Remember a time when games actually had a strong story line? That time was long gone�but we are changing that.

Himalaya Studios is passionate about adventure gaming. Feeling that the 90s represented the pinnacle of adventure gaming, we are striving to incorporate the best elements of classic adventures into our original, contemporary titles.

�Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman�s Mine,� is a combination of nostalgia and evolution. Similar to our favorite games of yesteryear, �Al Emmo� is rife with comedy, parody, a strong story line, extensive dialogue, beautiful hand-painted graphics, comic book cut scenes, sentimental themes, and a whole lot of adventure. Additionally, with our 3D character animation, hi-resolution backgrounds, lip synching, top notch voice acting, dynamic digital soundtrack, and 3D cut scenes, we bring the classic adventure genre to the next level! With over two dozen unique and eccentric characters, �Al Emmo� is certain to be an interactive, sociable experience you will never forget.

So grab your adventure caps and head on out to the Wild West. Join Al Emmo on his search for a wife, a life, lost gold, and the career of his dreams at the �hospitality house�. It�s an ever changing adventure you�ll come back to time and again!

Himalaya Studios is excited to discuss �Al Emmo and the Lost Dutchman�s Mine�. Please feel free to download the complimentary "Al Emmo" Demo to get a feel for our newest release:

As a gift, we would like to offer a free Collector's Edition of "Al Emmo" to our 200th poster!! If you'd like to learn more about the Collector's Edition of the game, please visit our official "Al Emmo" site at

We welcome any questions and comments, and hope you will enjoy your time at the Adventure Developers Conference 2006!


The Himalaya Studios Team