Nick: 3zalor
EXP: 10500
I usually don't report someone unless I'm 100% sure..
Honestly, I wouldn't bet my grandmothers house on this, but I find it very suspicious indeed..
New maphacks has this annoying new feature called "safe-clicking" - how it works exactly, I don't know - but I assume that it makes the circle beneath a hero/unit dissapear when something under Fog Of War is selected..
This is why I need opinions..
Does anyone know how this "safe-clicking" works excactly? (I don't want guesses, I want facts)
Can anyone find an alternative explanation for this? Please tell..
Gametime: 23:39 (replaytime: 25:43) - I couldn't find the circle anywhere on the map, so my guess is that he is selecting the side shop, which is still fogged.. (screenshot)
I found a few episodes, where he act suspiciously, but those could be luck/random or w/e.