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Thread: Sh3 screenshots

  1. #1
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    Default Sh3 screenshots

    Hi, some screenshots of the new Sherlock Holmes

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Hi Wael,

    fantastic. I'm really looking forward to it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Is the game going to be 1st person or 3rd person?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Gee. It looks almost like a horror game - all dark and almost monochromatic.
    Is it going to be a "mature theme" game?

    Is the game going to be first person or have you just not added characters to the pictures yet?
    (I see Dimi just asked this too)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by eggnog
    Gee. It looks almost like a horror game - all dark and almost monochromatic.
    Having lived in the UK for 2 years, I would say that this representation of the location is quite spot on. Most days there are dark and rainy.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimitris Manos
    Is the game going to be 1st person or 3rd person?
    I thought I read somewhere that it was going to be like 80 Days in terms of how you travel the game world. But I might be wrong. Anyway, those screenshots sure do look sharp.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Hi Wael!

    These screens look great! I'm sure London will be really gloomy for this next installment of Sherlock Holmes games

  8. #8

    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    What I know is that yeas it will use the same engine, but it will be even better than the one currently used on 80 days, and if I remember correctly it's gonna be a first person view adventures with free movemnets, so IO would gues something a little like Schyzm 2, Real Myst or Myst 5

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Hi All, I forgot to do a presentation, I'm working at Frogwares, and we are doing adventure games, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. But we are trying hard everytime. ;D

    We wanted to do a little gift for the inventory and give some exclusive screenshots for the party of our new title Sherlock 3.

    the game is third and first person

    it is VERY mature

    there are no characters on the screens spite there are some in the game

  10. #10

    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    thirsd and first persion ?

    Can you explain a little how tthings work between those two points of view ?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by wedge
    What I know is that yeas it will use the same engine, but it will be even better than the one currently used on 80 days, and if I remember correctly it's gonna be a first person view adventures with free movemnets, so IO would gues something a little like Schyzm 2, Real Myst or Myst 5
    Or Quake 4 or Doom
    Quote Originally Posted by wael
    the game is third and first person

    it is VERY mature
    Hehe... so what kind of weapons will Sherlock be wielding? A musket? Canon? Surely a crowbar?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Anybody noticed the "Sherlock Holmes" mini trailer in "80 Days" (think it was in Bombay) ? Nice idea

  13. #13

    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelS
    Anybody noticed the "Sherlock Holmes" mini trailer in "80 Days" (think it was in Bombay) ? Nice idea
    Hum I must have missed it I thought I have seen almost everything but I had missed something :'(

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    sorry I had to phone to Steve Ince (no kidding ;D),

    the game is very different from 80 days, there is no flying carpet in Sherlock and no dead bodies in Oliver's stories;

    there are different enigmas and puzzles some require first persons (eg magnifying glass)

    Sherlock won't use any weapons, but some people specialist of some litterature will recognize some serious writings in the game. also some moments are quite disturbing

    Sherlock trailer was taken from sherlock 2, it was our rememberance for the silver earring that we like so much

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by wael
    Sherlock won't use any weapons, but some people specialist of some litterature will recognize some serious writings in the game. also some moments are quite disturbing
    I was just kidding of course. I figured Sherlock wouldn't be turned into Rambo. I think this 3rd/1st person view is going to work well for the Sherlock world. Being able to approach and investigate a crime scene from different angles, not just pre-rendered ones, will make playing the detective role that much more interesting.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    It will be different, also as we are doing a 3D movie in parallel of the game, the 3D real time and first third person are really important for immersion and identification

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    i loved silver earring and am looking forward to a new sherlock game! 8) there has been a discussion on ja forum recently about an old game called "cruise for a corpse" where at the end of the game, the player was called to identify the killer, based on the clues that they have gathered, instead of the game going into some sort of "monologue"... is there a chance to see an ending like that?

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Sherlock is Sherlock, you're not Sherlock and therefore he cannot fail as a simple mortal would.

    it would great disrespect to the canon to give this possibility, but it could be used for a lot of amateur detectives.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Sh3 screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimitris Manos
    Quote Originally Posted by eggnog
    Gee. It looks almost like a horror game - all dark and almost monochromatic.
    Having lived in the UK for 2 years, I would say that this representation of the location is quite spot on. Most days there are dark and rainy.
    Looking at these screenshots some more, I realized it's not just the dark colors that made me think of a horror game. It's the angles and the perspectives. I don't know whether this was intentional or whether it's an artifact of the 3D engine, but the screenshots have a sort of "world out of balance" look similar to what I've seen in some horror movies. It's more obvious in the lower pictures, where the buildings seem to lean inward. And that tree looks like it's about to grab hold of you.

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