IRC name: PPS^Tompa
Q-Auth: PPS-Tompa
Garena name: PPS^
Garena UID: 43958370
* Where are you from?
* How old are you?
15, soon 16
* Tell us a bit about yourself.
Well, i am an average guy born in New York and moved to Stockholm, Sweden as a kid. So my English is fluid. I am usually pretty occupied with school but now we are having a summer vacation so i have lot's of time for DotA!
* Are you currently member of a clan? If yes, post one or more links to a clan profile (homepage, DotA-League profile, ESL profile, etc.).
I am a member of PassivePipeskillZ (PPS^)
* Write a brief text about your DotA history (former clans, inhouse leagues, tournaments, etc.).
Well i've played in various clans, like and qK1 from Sweden and now PPS from Denmark/Germany.
* Can you play all roles in Dota? (Carry/Gank/support/ect, We don't ask for perfection in every playstyle)
I can play all roles but i am very good at playing the support heroes, because i enjoy playing them and have trained very much supporting.
* Post at least 2 replays, preferably more, one support, and the other you may chose yourself . (Clanwar/Funwar or good inhouse replays. Use to upload) or another one you know - A mix vs 4 DIPS players (i am Tompah), Remember that this was a while ago, i was not so great at lasthitting at that time + i missclicked one ulti @ top lane, otherwise it was a nice game.... - A clanwar where i stomp kinda hard as Lion
* Do you know how to use Garena, IRC and Ventrilo (version 3)?
* Do you have a microphone?
* Are you aware of the rules and do you agree to them?
* Which name do you want registered on the bot?
* Do you know any Pride members? If yes, please list them.
PPS^, PPS^ and PPS^
* Is there anything else you want to add?
No ;p