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  1. #1
    Rank: Rookie
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    Default new Sherlock Holmes game

    I read somewhere that your new Sherlock Holmes game will use the same game engine as 80 Days.
    Are you doing any modifications for the Sherlock game to suit the gameplay?
    You said in another post that 80 Days is essentially a race (though maybe not in visit mode). But you probably don't want the Sherlock Holmes games to be a race. I assume Sherlock will want to search for evidence in various locations. Are you going to try to integrate point-and-click into the game? How will Sherlock locate and study evidence? Will he be using his chemistry set?

  2. #2
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: new Sherlock Holmes game

    we adapt the engine for what we want to do in Sherlock.

    means we add normal map and bum map and dynamic lighting for the rendering side, we improve animation and facial animation technology for the technical side of the characters.

    speaking about gameplay, Sherlock is Sherlock, and he is doing what Sherlock is used to do and even more. we will investigate, we will use his chemistry table, we will deduce and use an old trick to give our replies, we will switch from third to first person, use new technologies to serve the gameplay. and if you are tired to play you will be able to watch the movie created with the original story as it will be released in DVD at the same time.

  3. #3

    Default Re: new Sherlock Holmes game

    About this movie/game parallel, will the two be really complementary (i.e. to finish the game, you'll have to use clues from the movie), or will they provide different views on the same story?

    I think having the movie giving exactly the same experience of the game could spoil the fun of the game (if you've watched the movie, you'll go through the game without any problem).

    Currently, we have games that are adaptations from books/novels/comics,... and we have both types of adaptations: some of them try to stay 100% true to the original while still adapting it to a playable game and not a click-through movie (Bone ), while others use influence from the existing work, and either mix several stories into the game (Discworld / Discworld II), or enhance the game based on the universe (Discworld Noir, 80 days, Amerzone,...) so where will the sherlock game/movie fit?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: new Sherlock Holmes game

    Will the US version come with the movie?
    Or is that only for the European releases?

  5. #5
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: new Sherlock Holmes game

    the movie will be slightly different from the game, but not that different, they about the spoiler I believe it's up to you. you can usually find a walkthrough of a game and critics as soon as it's released, and spoil the game the same way. it's just too different medium and they have both advantages.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: new Sherlock Holmes game

    the game and the DVD should be released differently, it's not the same medium and not necesarily the same public, spite some bundles are possible

  7. #7

    Default Re: new Sherlock Holmes game

    I do not get the point. Are you talking about to rerelease an original Sherlock Holmes Movie on that the game is based on, or are you going to make a completely new movie?

  8. #8
    Rank: Wanderer
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    Default Re: new Sherlock Holmes game

    the movie is made from the story which was created for the game, sorry my english is not that good.

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